COYG Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does COYG mean? Now know the meaning of COYG used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Come On You Gunners

Meaning of COYG ?

Meaning of COYG is Come On You Gunners .

COYG Definition

The defintion of COYG is Come On You Gunners . .

What does COYG mean?

COYG means Come On You Gunners .

Terms relating to COYG

C'MON - Come On CAMB - Come At Me Bro COUGH - Confess, come clean COYB - Come On You Blues COYG - Come On You Gunners COYR - Come On You Reds COYS - Come On You Spurs DCT - Dream Come True DINK - Dual Income No Kids DINKY - Dual Income No Kids Yuppie FCFS - First Come First Served GOMER - Get Out of My Emergency Room, unwelcome patient MTC - More To Come NEWFAG - Newcomer OBE - Overcome By Events OCO - Oh, Come On PCB - Please Come Back ROM COM - Romantic Comedy URW - You Are Welcome UW - You're Welcome WB - Welcome Back WC - Welcome WEBA - Welcome Back WELC - You're Welcome WTLW - Welcome To Last Week WTML - Welcome To My Life WTMW - Welcome To My World WTTC - Welcome To The club WTTJ - Welcome To The Jungle YAVW - You Are Very Welcome YAW - You Are Welcome YMW - You're Most Welcome YNW - You're Not Welcome YQW - You're Quite Welcome YSVW - You're So Very Welcome YVW - You're Very Welcome YW - You're Welcome ACC - Anyone Can Come ATC - Any to Come CC. - Come Closer CC - Come Closer CQ - Come Quickly CRB - Come Right Back D.C. - Don't Come D.C.M. - Don't Come Monday DACT - Dreams All Come True DC - Don't Come DCM - Don't Come Monday DNC - Do Not Come HICA - Here It Comes Again A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z