CRT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does CRT mean? Now know the meaning of CRT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Cathode Ray Tube

Meaning of CRT ?

Meaning of CRT is Cathode Ray Tube.

CRT Definition

The defintion of CRT is Cathode Ray Tube. .

What does CRT mean?

CRT means Cathode Ray Tube.

What does CRT stand for?

Terms relating to CRT

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube SPOOF - Tube used to reduce smoking smells U2B - YouTube YTP - YouTube Poop ZONG - BONG with a Z shaped tube FFST - Full Flat Square Tube UTUBE - youtube Y2B - Youtube A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z