Campy Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Campy mean? Now know the meaning of Campy used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Absurd Affected Amusing

Meaning of Campy ?

Meaning of Campy is Absurd, Affected, Amusing.

Campy Definition

The defintion of Campy is Absurd, Affected, Amusing. .

What does Campy mean?

Campy means Absurd, Affected, Amusing.

Comments having Campy

TMNT 2 is a greatest hits of everything you know & love about the turtles. It's very entertaining but insanely dumb & Campy. Still, it works Love this Campy set. Play the Game, Killer Queen, Freddie talk. @adamlambert in his element with @QueenWillRock … Best Xmen film. 3 things to take away here1. Need more Campy comic book films2. Quicksilver is awesome3. Aaron Rodgers is a lucky man ZeRo claiming Sonic neutral may be the best in the game and is best played "extremely Campy" is the worst thing that could have happened. @Hurmly @banjelerp I watched it in high school and it's one of my favourites when I just want a silly, Campy fantasy film.

@WynonnaFans I love the show b/c of its multidimensional characters, its fun and Campy vibe, the cast's amazing chemistry & WAYHAUGHT! @TSMZeRo who's my little Campy needly sheik?! Some people take #Versailles way too seriously. They call the best lines "Campy and awkward", I call them "hilarious and witty" Tim Campbell of @UWEXCoopExt will talk about aquatic #invasive species tonight (6/1) at WN@tL! @t_Campy @BretShaw1 Camp Campy McCamp Face#BadSummerCampNames TMNT 2 is a greatest hits of everything you know & love about the turtles. It's very entertaining but insanely dumb & Campy. Still, it works Love this Campy set. Play the Game, Killer Queen, Freddie talk. @adamlambert in his element with @QueenWillRock … Best Xmen film. 3 things to take away here1. Need more Campy comic book films2. Quicksilver is awesome3. Aaron Rodgers is a lucky man ZeRo claiming Sonic neutral may be the best in the game and is best played "extremely Campy" is the worst thing that could have happened. @Hurmly @banjelerp I watched it in high school and it's one of my favourites when I just want a silly, Campy fantasy film. @WynonnaFans I love the show b/c of its multidimensional characters, its fun and Campy vibe, the cast's amazing chemistry & WAYHAUGHT! @TSMZeRo who's my little Campy needly sheik?! Some people take #Versailles way too seriously. They call the best lines "Campy and awkward", I call them "hilarious and witty" Tim Campbell of @UWEXCoopExt will talk about aquatic #invasive species tonight (6/1) at WN@tL! @t_Campy @BretShaw1 Camp Campy McCamp Face#BadSummerCampNames TMNT 2 is a greatest hits of everything you know & love about the turtles. It's very entertaining but insanely dumb & Campy. Still, it works Love this Campy set. Play the Game, Killer Queen, Freddie talk. @adamlambert in his element with @QueenWillRock … Best Xmen film. 3 things to take away here1. Need more Campy comic book films2. Quicksilver is awesome3. Aaron Rodgers is a lucky man ZeRo claiming Sonic neutral may be the best in the game and is best played "extremely Campy" is the worst thing that could have happened. @Hurmly @banjelerp I watched it in high school and it's one of my favourites when I just want a silly, Campy fantasy film. @WynonnaFans I love the show b/c of its multidimensional characters, its fun and Campy vibe, the cast's amazing chemistry & WAYHAUGHT! @TSMZeRo who's my little Campy needly sheik?! Some people take #Versailles way too seriously. They call the best lines "Campy and awkward", I call them "hilarious and witty" Tim Campbell of @UWEXCoopExt will talk about aquatic #invasive species tonight (6/1) at WN@tL! @t_Campy @BretShaw1 Camp Campy McCamp Face#BadSummerCampNames

What does Campy stand for?

Terms relating to Campy

CARD - Amusing, eccentric person TINA - This Is Not Amusing Crackup - Amusing Ball - Amusing For Grins - Amusing Fan - Amusing Gas - Amusing More Fun Than A Band Of Monkeys - Amusing Cutup - Amusing He Had'em In The Sidai - Amusing Knock 'Em In The Aisles - Amusing Lay'em In The Aisles - Amusing