DEBO Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does DEBO mean? Now know the meaning of DEBO used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of DEBO ?

Meaning of DEBO is Steal.

DEBO Definition

The defintion of DEBO is Steal. .

What does DEBO mean?

DEBO means Steal.

Comments having DEBO

Baby Boiz, the world's youngest boy band, is here to DEBO your heart People on Instagram who put watermarks on every picture like wyd no one will DEBO it chill Shows "realism" ain't realistic if top "realist" proposes to ban Muslims,make Mexico pay for wall, DEBO Iraqi oil. … Melo trying to DEBO Curry's powers. The @Microsoft app in Iowa will:A. Vote For YouB. Default Votes For RubioC. Create New VotersD. Crash While Updating E. DEBO Election To match Jonathan's administration, they'd have to DEBO at least $20 billion before 2019. … Do more of what you love. Don't let anyone DEBO your happiness, my friends. There's a special place in hell for people that DEBO lighters. DEBO your iPhone, that's an Apple Jack I don't DEBO and I don't lie But I can feel and I can cry#GreaseLive Chills. @VanessaHudgens

Terms relating to DEBO

BEAK - To Steal D BO - Steal DEBO - Steal GANK - Steal KS - Kill Steal TEEF - Steal YAP - Steal, rob KISS - Kibitz, Inquire, Surf, Steal HASE - rabbit; hare; someone who is fast & stealthy A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z