Defrosted Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Defrosted mean? Now know the meaning of Defrosted used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Anxious Annoyed Agitated Addled

Meaning of Defrosted ?

Meaning of Defrosted is Anxious, Annoyed, Agitated, Addled.

Defrosted Definition

The defintion of Defrosted is Anxious, Annoyed, Agitated, Addled. .

What does Defrosted mean?

Defrosted means Anxious, Annoyed, Agitated, Addled.

Comments having Defrosted

Ugh I came home last night, made eggrolls and never ate them.. I even Defrosted the sweet and sour sauce!!!! Ugh I hate my life :/ Can't believe I got in last night %2B left the freezer door open everything Defrosted #Melt #Literally Mollie made me a burger yesterday and basically gave me food poisoning, and the chips weren't even Defrosted aw g'luck It's a lovely hot day with lots of sunshine. I am now thoroughly Defrosted after all the cold weather of the last week! Forgot to defrost my dinner so I just took it straight from the freezer and put it outside for 20 minutes. Boom. Defrosted. Thanks Cali

Neil Hamilton, the new dynamic face of #UKIP! Good grief, he looks and sounds like he was Defrosted 10 mins before show time! #bbcqt You hear that, Lloyd Park? Our ducks love Defrosted sweetcorn and it keeps them healthy too … I think I could walk to the Great Wall of china and back and my chicken still wouldn't be Defrosted We should freeze david attenborough like captain america so when the aliens come he can be Defrosted and tell them about the world A silly quest for happiness with Cat & Nico! Your little ones will love Defrosted at the Fringe: @catbellamycat Ugh I came home last night, made eggrolls and never ate them.. I even Defrosted the sweet and sour sauce!!!! Ugh I hate my life :/ Can't believe I got in last night %2B left the freezer door open everything Defrosted #Melt #Literally Mollie made me a burger yesterday and basically gave me food poisoning, and the chips weren't even Defrosted aw g'luck It's a lovely hot day with lots of sunshine. I am now thoroughly Defrosted after all the cold weather of the last week! Forgot to defrost my dinner so I just took it straight from the freezer and put it outside for 20 minutes. Boom. Defrosted. Thanks Cali Neil Hamilton, the new dynamic face of #UKIP! Good grief, he looks and sounds like he was Defrosted 10 mins before show time! #bbcqt You hear that, Lloyd Park? Our ducks love Defrosted sweetcorn and it keeps them healthy too … I think I could walk to the Great Wall of china and back and my chicken still wouldn't be Defrosted We should freeze david attenborough like captain america so when the aliens come he can be Defrosted and tell them about the world A silly quest for happiness with Cat & Nico! Your little ones will love Defrosted at the Fringe: @catbellamycat Ugh I came home last night, made eggrolls and never ate them.. I even Defrosted the sweet and sour sauce!!!! Ugh I hate my life :/ Can't believe I got in last night %2B left the freezer door open everything Defrosted #Melt #Literally Mollie made me a burger yesterday and basically gave me food poisoning, and the chips weren't even Defrosted aw g'luck It's a lovely hot day with lots of sunshine. I am now thoroughly Defrosted after all the cold weather of the last week! Forgot to defrost my dinner so I just took it straight from the freezer and put it outside for 20 minutes. Boom. Defrosted. Thanks Cali Neil Hamilton, the new dynamic face of #UKIP! Good grief, he looks and sounds like he was Defrosted 10 mins before show time! #bbcqt You hear that, Lloyd Park? Our ducks love Defrosted sweetcorn and it keeps them healthy too … I think I could walk to the Great Wall of china and back and my chicken still wouldn't be Defrosted We should freeze david attenborough like captain america so when the aliens come he can be Defrosted and tell them about the world A silly quest for happiness with Cat & Nico! Your little ones will love Defrosted at the Fringe: @catbellamycat Ugh I came home last night, made eggrolls and never ate them.. I even Defrosted the sweet and sour sauce!!!! Ugh I hate my life :/ Can't believe I got in last night %2B left the freezer door open everything Defrosted #Melt #Literally Mollie made me a burger yesterday and basically gave me food poisoning, and the chips weren't even Defrosted aw g'luck It's a lovely hot day with lots of sunshine. I am now thoroughly Defrosted after all the cold weather of the last week! Forgot to defrost my dinner so I just took it straight from the freezer and put it outside for 20 minutes. Boom. Defrosted. Thanks Cali Neil Hamilton, the new dynamic face of #UKIP! Good grief, he looks and sounds like he was Defrosted 10 mins before show time! #bbcqt You hear that, Lloyd Park? Our ducks love Defrosted sweetcorn and it keeps them healthy too … I think I could walk to the Great Wall of china and back and my chicken still wouldn't be Defrosted We should freeze david attenborough like captain america so when the aliens come he can be Defrosted and tell them about the world A silly quest for happiness with Cat & Nico! Your little ones will love Defrosted at the Fringe: @catbellamycat

What does Defrosted stand for?

Terms relating to Defrosted

Gone - Addled Out To Lunch - Addled Rattled - Addled Thrown - Addled Woozy - Addled Fertummeled - Addled Farshimmelt - Addled Balled-Up - Addled Fouled-Up - Addled Mixed-Up - Addled Farmisht - Addled Shook-Up - Addled