FAM. Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does FAM. mean? Now know the meaning of FAM. used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of FAM. ?

Meaning of FAM. is Family.

FAM. Definition

The defintion of FAM. is Family. .

What does FAM. mean?

FAM. means Family.

Comments having FAM.

Modern FAM. star bares scars: ‘I’m not ashamed’ It is with great remorse that I feel compelled to speak truthfully to my friends, FAM. and my… Who would you want on your side if your FAM. was under a health scare? @Dr_PhilippaW with her 33 years’ experience in our health service? .@Dr_PhilippaW is one of Scotland’s foremost cancer surgeons. She could have spent Christmas with her FAM.… I just realized... the Kardashian FAM. might've just been scamming us this whole beef thing could've been fake just to boost their fame 10 Things I Love: God FAM. Food Fast Wifi Twitter Movies Bestfriend Music CRUSHES Lawmakers can now breastfeed in Australian Parliament after rule change to make politics more FAM.-friendly Ron and Ginny Weasley have a FAM. reunion at Universal Studios and the pic is CUTE Kardashian FAM. -- Fears Rob's Back on Drugs ... Blames Blac Chyna jeb naked in one of the FAM. racquetball courts, george w shooting him with paintballs while his father spits at him from a wheelchair

What does FAM. stand for?

Terms relating to FAM.

FAM - Family FAMALAM - Family, close friend FAMBO - Family, close friend FAMO - Friend, dude, family member etc FAMS - Family FF5 - Family Force 5 (band) FG - Family Guy FMLA - Family and Medical Leave of Absence OBHWF - One Big Happy Weasely Family FAM. - Family FAM - Family FNF - Friends and Family JFW - Jackson Family Website MFO - Mandatory Family Outing BFRABPBYR - Belousov Family Reunion Annual Beer Pong & BBQ Yearly Round-up DYLON - Common first name and family name or Irish origin FHB - Family Hold Back PTTF - Peace To The Family A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z