Green Light Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Green Light mean? Now know the meaning of Green Light used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Approval Agreement Affirmation Acceptance

Meaning of Green Light ?

Meaning of Green Light is Approval, Agreement, Affirmation, Acceptance.

Green Light Definition

The defintion of Green Light is Approval, Agreement, Affirmation, Acceptance. .

What does Green Light mean?

Green Light means Approval, Agreement, Affirmation, Acceptance.

Comments having Green Light

Controversial plans to build 14 homes given Green Light ‘Praise Allah’ bus slogans get Green Light just months after Lord’s Prayer ad gets banned Marvellous Jeremy, and just waiting for the @vote_leave Green Light I see. #brexit #hordesofboards cheers..........… Mint Green Light blue grey … I hit every Green Light on 10th going west. It's gonna thunder storm tonight o something.

Swiss wealth firm gets Green Light for UK expansion damnit advisor, you told me to bring everything at Mondaywhy am I writing this acknowledgement even tho I haven't got the Green Light I've had a Green Light on in my room for the past hour. I just turned it off and now my vision is pink. Aaaaaah I love science. @alysonEcole @tnor23 what about the Green Light?!? And once both of you move to the south you'll have to learn the Copperhead Road Biotech firm got #Green Light to resurrect the clinically dead #TheDailyTelegraph… Controversial plans to build 14 homes given Green Light ‘Praise Allah’ bus slogans get Green Light just months after Lord’s Prayer ad gets banned Marvellous Jeremy, and just waiting for the @vote_leave Green Light I see. #brexit #hordesofboards cheers..........… Mint Green Light blue grey … I hit every Green Light on 10th going west. It's gonna thunder storm tonight o something. Swiss wealth firm gets Green Light for UK expansion damnit advisor, you told me to bring everything at Mondaywhy am I writing this acknowledgement even tho I haven't got the Green Light I've had a Green Light on in my room for the past hour. I just turned it off and now my vision is pink. Aaaaaah I love science. @alysonEcole @tnor23 what about the Green Light?!? And once both of you move to the south you'll have to learn the Copperhead Road Biotech firm got #Green Light to resurrect the clinically dead #TheDailyTelegraph… Controversial plans to build 14 homes given Green Light ‘Praise Allah’ bus slogans get Green Light just months after Lord’s Prayer ad gets banned Marvellous Jeremy, and just waiting for the @vote_leave Green Light I see. #brexit #hordesofboards cheers..........… Mint Green Light blue grey … I hit every Green Light on 10th going west. It's gonna thunder storm tonight o something. Swiss wealth firm gets Green Light for UK expansion damnit advisor, you told me to bring everything at Mondaywhy am I writing this acknowledgement even tho I haven't got the Green Light I've had a Green Light on in my room for the past hour. I just turned it off and now my vision is pink. Aaaaaah I love science. @alysonEcole @tnor23 what about the Green Light?!? And once both of you move to the south you'll have to learn the Copperhead Road Biotech firm got #Green Light to resurrect the clinically dead #TheDailyTelegraph… Controversial plans to build 14 homes given Green Light ‘Praise Allah’ bus slogans get Green Light just months after Lord’s Prayer ad gets banned Marvellous Jeremy, and just waiting for the @vote_leave Green Light I see. #brexit #hordesofboards cheers..........… Mint Green Light blue grey … I hit every Green Light on 10th going west. It's gonna thunder storm tonight o something. Swiss wealth firm gets Green Light for UK expansion damnit advisor, you told me to bring everything at Mondaywhy am I writing this acknowledgement even tho I haven't got the Green Light I've had a Green Light on in my room for the past hour. I just turned it off and now my vision is pink. Aaaaaah I love science. @alysonEcole @tnor23 what about the Green Light?!? And once both of you move to the south you'll have to learn the Copperhead Road Biotech firm got #Green Light to resurrect the clinically dead #TheDailyTelegraph…

What does Green Light stand for?

Terms relating to Green Light

Green Light - Acceptance Go-Ahead - Acceptance