IHY Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does IHY mean? Now know the meaning of IHY used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

I Hate You I Hate You

Meaning of IHY ?

Meaning of IHY is I Hate You , I Hate You .

IHY Definition

The defintion of IHY is I Hate You , I Hate You . .

What does IHY mean?

IHY means I Hate You , I Hate You .

Terms relating to IHY

>3 - Hate (opposite of <3) - Hate 3> - Hate (opposite of <3) BOF - Whatever DFW - Down For Whatever DYJHIW - Don't You Just Hate It When... EVS - Whatever H8 - Hate H8R - Hater H9 - Really hate (H8+1) HGH - Haters Gonna Hate HIWTH - Hate It When That Happens HML - Hate My Life IH8U - I Hate You IHM - I Hate Mondays IHML - I Hate My Life IHP - I Hate People IHT - I Hate This IHU - I Hate You IHY - I Hate You IHYSM - I Hate You So Much RAGO - Whatever, OK SKN - OK, cool, whatever TEVS - Whatever W'EVER - Whatever W.E - Whatever W/E - Whatever WE - Whatever WEL - Whatever, Loser WEML - Whatever Major Loser WEVA - Whatever WFYB - Whatever Floats Your Boat WTV - Whatever WTYO - Whatever Turns You On WYL - Whatever You Like WYW - Whatever You Want CTW - Call Them Whatever DYJHIW - Don't You Just Hate It When EHM - Everyone Hates Me H8TBU - Hate To Be You IH8U2 - I Hate You Too IHD - I Hate Disco IHML - I Hate My Life IHT - I Hate That IHU - I Hate You IHY - I Hate You IHYG - I Hate Your Guts IHYSM - I Hate You So Much LH - Love Hate RH - Really Hated A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z