ITTET Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ITTET mean? Now know the meaning of ITTET used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

In These Tough Economic Times

Meaning of ITTET ?

Meaning of ITTET is In These Tough Economic Times.

ITTET Definition

The defintion of ITTET is In These Tough Economic Times. .

What does ITTET mean?

ITTET means In These Tough Economic Times.

Comments having ITTET

ITTET, you hada come good with your fete. Thabo Mbeki's letters are more relevant now ITTET. La re keng? Di pantypreneurs? How's the market looking ITTET? What's a round going for currently? Mayor's column: ITTET we must value the role & purpose of traineeships and apprenticeships > @rachelannmorris the birds of prey need our moral support ITTET How is this going to keep SF running ITTET. ITTET, I think about the famous line by Henry David Thoreau. "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." @CBCNews CBC news flash, how about what our gov't is doing to help Canadians ITTET!What`s a matter, not enough news! Isaac thrived in famine because of #TheCovenantAdvantage. Just like him, you also will thrive ITTET I refuse to have a poor bank balance and hairline. At least my hairline is staying afloat ITTET.

Terms relating to ITTET

AAT - At All Times BER - Beyond Economical Repair CRAIC - Good times/gossip/music/drinking (Irish) DEEZ - These EEC - European Economic Community FTSE - Financial Times and the London Stock Exchang GOON - Tough guy GTHBA - Good Times Had By All GTS - Good Times GTZ - Good Times ITTET - In These Tough Economic Times LSE - London School of Economics NTWF - Neopian Times Writers Forum NYT - New York Times TOTT - Think on These Things TTTT - These Things Take Time LSMFT - Let's Share More Fun Times OOTD - One Of These Days PH.D. - Posts a Hundred times Daily PHD - Posts a Hundred times Daily T.C. - Tough Cookie TC - Tough Cookie TG - Tough Guy TTTT - These Things Take Time TUF - Tough ZTT - Zany Times Two EAEC - East Asia Economic Caucus IDRKHTRTWYJSSITATLI - I don't really know how to respond to what you just said so I'll type all these letters instead LMAOMTOAOA - Laugh my a** off many times over and over again NTOOT - Nine Times Out Of Ten TEI - Total Economic Impact TTAC - The Times They Are Changing TTTAC - The Times They Are Changing TTYOOTD - Talk to you one of these days TWEEN - I suddenly feel aware of all these feelings, but I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z