MOPAR Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MOPAR mean? Now know the meaning of MOPAR used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

My Own Personal Adrenaline Rush

Meaning of MOPAR ?

Meaning of MOPAR is My Own Personal Adrenaline Rush .

MOPAR Definition

The defintion of MOPAR is My Own Personal Adrenaline Rush . .

What does MOPAR mean?

MOPAR means My Own Personal Adrenaline Rush .

Terms relating to MOPAR

DOXING - Collect Personal Information IMPO - In My Personal Opinion INTP - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving (personality type indicator) MCM - Man Crush Monday MPO - My Personal Opinion PA - Personal Assistant PAN - Personal Area Network PB - Personal Best PC - Personal Computer PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PCMIA - Personal Computer Manufacturer Interface Adaptor PDA - Personal Digital Assistant PHISHING - Scamming method used to get personal information PHP - Personal Home Page PIGEON - Woman using a man for personal gain PIN - Personal Identification Number PJ - Poor/Personal Joke PSM - Personal Short Message PVR - Personal Video Recorder SWAGGA - Style or personality TAG - Personal signature UC&P - Up Close and Personal UCAP - Up Close and Personal DTIP - Don't Take It Personally ESP. - Extra Sensitive Personality ESP - Extra Sensitive Personality IMPO - In My Personal Opinion MOPAR - My Own Personal Adrenaline Rush MPL - My Personal Life MPR - Marketing Personal Relations P. - Personal P.M. - Personal Message P - Personal PAL - Personal Assistance Link PB - Personal Box PCS. - Personal Communications System PCS - Personal Communications System PET - Personalized Entertainment Truck PJ - Personal Joke PLP - Personal Leaning Post PM - Personal Message PML - Personalized Mailing Lists PML - Personal Mailing List PPP - Personal Projects Page PSM - Personal Short Message SPOYPWWTAOBC - Self Promotion Of Your Personal Website While Taking Advantage Of Bored Colleagues TCA - Totally Crushed Again YAPWS - Yet Another Personal Web Site YEPP - Young, Energetic, Passionate, And Personal A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z