MOT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does MOT mean? Now know the meaning of MOT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Ministry Of Transport test for car safety

Meaning of MOT ?

Meaning of MOT is Ministry Of Transport test for car safety.

MOT Definition

The defintion of MOT is Ministry Of Transport test for car safety. .

What does MOT mean?

MOT means Ministry Of Transport test for car safety.

Comments having MOT

@Tweety_Ria Had to look it up Lol "MOT" “@Foureyes94: @idmahBOB @ZahraBlack94 the definition of MOT is "MOT"”LOLLL sonal and her geeky side ;D

Terms relating to MOT

ACT - SAT type test CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart FIYA - The Greatest G O A T - Greatest Of All Time GOAT - Greatest Of All Time GYT - Get Yourself Tested LSAT - Law School Admission Test MOT - Ministry Of Transport test for car safety PROD - Protestant SAT - Scholastic Assessment Test SATS - Standard Attainment Tests TFL - Transport For London TOEFL - Test Of English as a Foreign Language TOEIC - Test Of English for International Communication TSA - Transportation Security Administration WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant AC. - Absolutist Cutest AC - Absolutist Cutest OBT - Ohio Bull Test T.P. - Tested Positive TMZ - Testosterone Management Zone TP - Tested Positive WASP - White Anglo Saxon Protestant WGCM - Worlds Greatest Cyber Mom GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test IARTPFWTSIOWIM - I Am Repeating This Parrot Fashion Without The Slightest Idea Of What It Means IATA - International Air Transport Association ITHGITW - I'm the hottest girl in the world JTTSIOWCTW - just testing to see if other websites copy this word L&G - Latest And Greatest MOSPF - Multicast Open Shortest Path First MTR - Ministry of Tourism PWN2OWN - Own to Own Contest A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z