TMT Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does TMT mean? Now know the meaning of TMT used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Too Much Tuna Tasteless Masturbatory Threads

Meaning of TMT ?

Meaning of TMT is Too Much Tuna, Tasteless Masturbatory Threads.

TMT Definition

The defintion of TMT is Too Much Tuna, Tasteless Masturbatory Threads. .

What does TMT mean?

TMT means Too Much Tuna, Tasteless Masturbatory Threads.

Comments having TMT

Oh Hello and TMT. Fantastic. @ The Wilbur @ConorAltier TMT! @katebyrnepower sounds like entirely TMT fish to me @billymfmays sorry bro, that was me. Ate TMT with mac N cheese for breakfast and couldn't hold back anymore... Death from belly laughter? TMT peril EXTRA humor filled evening thanx @nickkroll @mulaney @ohhelloshow I scran off way TMT Do you know what is worse than TMT? Not enough tuna. This is TMT right now. . ALERT: Tmrw we're giving away FREE tickets to see OH, HELLO w/@nickkroll %2B @mulaney at @The_Wilbur! Get ready for TMT I just got set up for the most perfect "TMT" joke and NO ONE got it

What does TMT stand for?

Terms relating to TMT

AT - Alt.Tasteless GOAT - Galoot Oldtools Archive Of Threads MOAT - Mother Of All Threads SWAT - Snobs Writing Angry Threads TMT - Tasteless Masturbatory Threads A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z