WKYP Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WKYP mean? Now know the meaning of WKYP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Will Keep You Posted Will keep you posted

Meaning of WKYP ?

Meaning of WKYP is Will Keep You Posted, Will keep you posted.

WKYP Definition

The defintion of WKYP is Will Keep You Posted, Will keep you posted. .

What does WKYP mean?

WKYP means Will Keep You Posted, Will keep you posted.

Comments having WKYP

To answer all your questions, I am currently working on my second album. No release date, however I WKYP! Every day I will #Recap the events at #SB50 with you, but just wait till you see the interview footage @SIRIUSXM I WKYP! For snow lovers in SE. Some potential next 10-12 days, but nothing concrete, and I am not overly excited yet. WKYP. just wired Capricorn...lovely....now I'll get started on Aquarius. (After that, Pisces, and then done) I WKYP! Feeling good Just a reminder the black light dance is still postponed. There is no new information on when it will be but we WKYP!

Well it's snowing... Hopefully it sticks! We WKYP! Covers taken off, pitch being worked on. No planned inspection. Will be down to the referee to call at 12.30. We WKYP. The news from the Monkees camp is positive on the songs I wrote for them,WKYP on how things go. @sanskriti122 WKYP Trooper & suspect have both been shot and transported to local hospitals. We WKYP on the details. To answer all your questions, I am currently working on my second album. No release date, however I WKYP! Every day I will #Recap the events at #SB50 with you, but just wait till you see the interview footage @SIRIUSXM I WKYP! For snow lovers in SE. Some potential next 10-12 days, but nothing concrete, and I am not overly excited yet. WKYP. just wired Capricorn...lovely....now I'll get started on Aquarius. (After that, Pisces, and then done%29 I WKYP! Feeling good Just a reminder the black light dance is still postponed. There is no new information on when it will be but we WKYP! Well it's snowing... Hopefully it sticks! We WKYP! Covers taken off, pitch being worked on. No planned inspection. Will be down to the referee to call at 12.30. We WKYP. The news from the Monkees camp is positive on the songs I wrote for them,WKYP on how things go. @sanskriti122 WKYP Trooper & suspect have both been shot and transported to local hospitals. We WKYP on the details.

What does WKYP stand for?

Terms relating to WKYP

ABP - Already Been Posted AKTF - Always Keep the Faith CAN DO - It will be done EWBA - Everything Will Be Alright IITUWUTMAS - If I Tell You Will You Tell Me A Secret? IITYWIMIWHTKY - If I Tell You What It Means I Will Have to Kill You ·IITYWTMWYBMAD - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me a Drink? IITYWTMWYKM - If I Tell You What This Means Will You Kiss Me? IITYWYBMAD - If I Tell You Will You Buy Me A Drink IKYP - I'll Keep You Posted IWALU - I Will Always Love You IWALY - I Will Always Love You