WOMP Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WOMP mean? Now know the meaning of WOMP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Low bass sound

Meaning of WOMP ?

Meaning of WOMP is Low bass sound.

WOMP Definition

The defintion of WOMP is Low bass sound. .

What does WOMP mean?

WOMP means Low bass sound.

Comments having WOMP

awei ES-120i WOMP In-ear Earphone with Mic … Space Oddity has a very WOMP that has the same duration and sound as a phone vibrating on a desk My speakers keep making this WOMP and idk what to do to fix it. Tried ungplugging everything and still makes the sound awei ES – Q5 Strong WOMP Wooden In – ear Headphone 1.2M Canvas Round … Anyone know what that crazy WOMP was in Venice? Cross between dinosaurs walking and that Inception sound @Venice311 @tiffanyblatz That WOMP whooomp whooomp There's just a really WOMP going around @TrevorAustin152 it triggers some fake harmonies... Haha! Jk! It's just a WOMP that's not quite a sub drop. Like a super low tom. Happy 15th! Check out our first female bass feature BAASSIK! Disclaimer: Our apologies for the WOMP.... @moriya_amane i thought she was a female until i heard she said "boleh" in a very WOMP LOLLLLLLLLL

Terms relating to WOMP

AHEM - Throat clearing sound BOH - Gunshot sound DF - Dumbass Frankenstein DNB - Drum And Bass HMPF - Sound made when irritated HUH - Confused sound MUAH - The sound of giving a kiss NOMNOM - Sound of eating OM NOM - Sound of eating OOFT - Sound made when impressed by something OST - Original Sound Track PEWPEW - Laser sound RINGTONE - Sound a cell phone makes when receiving a call SFX - Sound Effects SG2M - Sounds Good To Me SGTM - Sounds Good To Me SLAP - Sounds Like A Plan SLF - Sounds Like Fun SONAR - SOund Navagation And Ranging SQ - Sound Quality SWND  - Sound TCH - Sound of disagreement, frustration TSK - Sound of annoyance UNCE - Sound of club music UNTZ - Sound of a pulsing beat WOMP - Low bass sound ADD - Advanced Dumbass Disorder CSI - Cookies Sound Interesting HMPH - A sound, usually made with a closed mouth, indicating annoyance, indignation, or sighing S.S. - Single Sounds SGML - Sounds Great, Maybe Later SLAW - Sounds Like A Winner SS - Single Sounds ABTB - All About That Bass GIYD - Google It You Dumbass IISTGTBTIPI - If It Sounds Too Good To Be True It Probably Is MWOA - French sounding word for a kiss OM NOM - Sound of eating YMISLIDI - you make it sound like i did it A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z