WSSH Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WSSH mean? Now know the meaning of WSSH used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

We're Sorry Something Happened

Meaning of WSSH ?

Meaning of WSSH is We're Sorry Something Happened .

WSSH Definition

The defintion of WSSH is We're Sorry Something Happened . .

What does WSSH mean?

WSSH means We're Sorry Something Happened .

Terms relating to WSSH

86 - Get rid of something ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different AYSOS - Are You Stupid Or Something? BEASTLY - Being good at something, cool BOGART - To Hold Onto Something For Oneself When It Is Supposed To Be Shared BOMB - Something really bad BOMB - Something really good BSTS - Better Safe Than Sorry DAMAGE - Cost of something DOWNER - Someone or something that brings the mood down FINA - About to do (something) FOMS - Fear Of Missing Something GOMEN - Sorry HIATUS - A Pause From Something HIATUS - A Break From Something ISS - I'm So Sorry LWWY - Live While We're Young MULE - Person who carries something for someone else NO-BRAINER - Something that requires no thought before deciding NSFTBC - Not Sorry For The Broadcast ONE OFF - Happened Once OOFT - Sound made when impressed by something OOPS - Word said after doing something wrong OSLT - Or Something Like That S2S - Sorry To Say SAFE - Something or someone good SANK - Something SBT - Sorry 'Bout That SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist SCRUB - Loser who thinks he's something SFLR - Sorry For Late Reply SFP - Sorry for Partying SFTBC - Sorry For The Broadcast SIA - Sorry I Asked SIAP - Sorry If Already Posted SIDK - Sorry, I Didn't Know SMIDSY - Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You SMTH - Something SOWIE - Sorry SOYW - Something On Your Wall SOZ - Sorry SPOILER - Something you would've prefered to find out yourself SRY - Sorry ST - Something STBY - Sorry To Bother You STH - Something STHG - Something SUMFIN - Something SUMMAT - Something SWY - Sowwy (sorry) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z