Whatsis Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Whatsis mean? Now know the meaning of Whatsis used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Apparatus Anonymous Anonymity

Meaning of Whatsis ?

Meaning of Whatsis is Apparatus, Anonymous, Anonymity.

Whatsis Definition

The defintion of Whatsis is Apparatus, Anonymous, Anonymity. .

What does Whatsis mean?

Whatsis means Apparatus, Anonymous, Anonymity.

Comments having Whatsis

Put your knowledge to the test with the @DuluthTradingCo Whatsis Tool Challenge: … @bellabulldawg Yay for you!!! Whatsis name? #WeAreAllNuts At 12:30 tonight, #meTVtwilightzone has a @WilliamShatner episode! No, not the furry Whatsis on a plane wing epi. ;-} @greensideknits Unscrew the front panel, unscrew the filter Whatsis, catch the flood? That's my washer. @SamuraiKnitter @StacyDmomof5 Yes. That was Erin Whatsis from ESPN returning here after her lawsuit victory. Brave? @CoolCzech1 @Prindigo @conservative72

@RasheedAlarabi I haven't gotten any of the Whatsis highly articulated imports yet so I won't get this unless NECA makes one. Whatsis McWhatsisface. @boyfIirt @fattymaori Whatsis tjis jdjsjsjd @MichifMan @metismarje Being great-grandchild of errant fifth son of 7th Earl of Whatsis doesn't get you grazing rights at Whatsis Castle. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I believe Paul Ryan is a sad, sorry, two-faced son of a Whatsis. Put your knowledge to the test with the @DuluthTradingCo Whatsis Tool Challenge: … @bellabulldawg Yay for you!!! Whatsis name? #WeAreAllNuts At 12:30 tonight, #meTVtwilightzone has a @WilliamShatner episode! No, not the furry Whatsis on a plane wing epi. ;-} @greensideknits Unscrew the front panel, unscrew the filter Whatsis, catch the flood? That's my washer. @SamuraiKnitter @StacyDmomof5 Yes. That was Erin Whatsis from ESPN returning here after her lawsuit victory. Brave? @CoolCzech1 @Prindigo @conservative72 @RasheedAlarabi I haven't gotten any of the Whatsis highly articulated imports yet so I won't get this unless NECA makes one. Whatsis McWhatsisface. @boyfIirt @fattymaori Whatsis tjis jdjsjsjd @MichifMan @metismarje Being great-grandchild of errant fifth son of 7th Earl of Whatsis doesn't get you grazing rights at Whatsis Castle. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I believe Paul Ryan is a sad, sorry, two-faced son of a Whatsis. Put your knowledge to the test with the @DuluthTradingCo Whatsis Tool Challenge: … @bellabulldawg Yay for you!!! Whatsis name? #WeAreAllNuts At 12:30 tonight, #meTVtwilightzone has a @WilliamShatner episode! No, not the furry Whatsis on a plane wing epi. ;-} @greensideknits Unscrew the front panel, unscrew the filter Whatsis, catch the flood? That's my washer. @SamuraiKnitter @StacyDmomof5 Yes. That was Erin Whatsis from ESPN returning here after her lawsuit victory. Brave? @CoolCzech1 @Prindigo @conservative72 @RasheedAlarabi I haven't gotten any of the Whatsis highly articulated imports yet so I won't get this unless NECA makes one. Whatsis McWhatsisface. @boyfIirt @fattymaori Whatsis tjis jdjsjsjd @MichifMan @metismarje Being great-grandchild of errant fifth son of 7th Earl of Whatsis doesn't get you grazing rights at Whatsis Castle. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I believe Paul Ryan is a sad, sorry, two-faced son of a Whatsis.

What does Whatsis stand for?

Terms relating to Whatsis

A Whoozit - Anonymity You Know Who - Anonymity Such-And-Such - Anonymity What's-His-Face - Anonymity What's-His-Name - Anonymity I'll Never Forget What's-His-Name - Anonymity So-And-So - Anonymity Whatchamacallit - Anonymity What d'ye Call It - Anonymity Whatzit - Anonymity What's-Its-Name - Anonymity Whatsis - Anonymity