Hook Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Hook mean? Now know the meaning of Hook used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Anchor Allure Addiction Arrest

Meaning of Hook ?

Meaning of Hook is Anchor, Allure, Addiction, Arrest.

Hook Definition

The defintion of Hook is Anchor, Allure, Addiction, Arrest. .

What does Hook mean?

Hook means Anchor, Allure, Addiction, Arrest.

Comments having Hook

Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Damn Hook it up … That's that genius @MoeGreen110 go pick up everything he's ever released. And also @lolaNagel killin the Hook … How to Hook Customers with Habit-forming Products by @Wrike [via @SlideShare] I watch them all, but @afneil is still the master.Interviews properly, asks tough Qs, lets them answer but lets nobody off the Hook.#bbcsp

Outrage as Cherie's law firm is let off Hook over £210k 'stolen' cash via @MailOnline If we #Remain Britain will be on the Hook to pay for #Merkel's disastrous, badly managed, open door asylum policies … Bisping: You can call me Left Hook Larry from now on. WATCH: Beneil Dariush vanquishes James Vick with a howitzer of a left Hook at #UFC199 Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Damn Hook it up … That's that genius @MoeGreen110 go pick up everything he's ever released. And also @lolaNagel killin the Hook … How to Hook Customers with Habit-forming Products by @Wrike [via @SlideShare] I watch them all, but @afneil is still the master.Interviews properly, asks tough Qs, lets them answer but lets nobody off the Hook.#bbcsp Outrage as Cherie's law firm is let off Hook over £210k 'stolen' cash via @MailOnline If we #Remain Britain will be on the Hook to pay for #Merkel's disastrous, badly managed, open door asylum policies … Bisping: You can call me Left Hook Larry from now on. WATCH: Beneil Dariush vanquishes James Vick with a howitzer of a left Hook at #UFC199 Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Damn Hook it up … That's that genius @MoeGreen110 go pick up everything he's ever released. And also @lolaNagel killin the Hook … How to Hook Customers with Habit-forming Products by @Wrike [via @SlideShare] I watch them all, but @afneil is still the master.Interviews properly, asks tough Qs, lets them answer but lets nobody off the Hook.#bbcsp Outrage as Cherie's law firm is let off Hook over £210k 'stolen' cash via @MailOnline If we #Remain Britain will be on the Hook to pay for #Merkel's disastrous, badly managed, open door asylum policies … Bisping: You can call me Left Hook Larry from now on. WATCH: Beneil Dariush vanquishes James Vick with a howitzer of a left Hook at #UFC199 Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME! Damn Hook it up … That's that genius @MoeGreen110 go pick up everything he's ever released. And also @lolaNagel killin the Hook … How to Hook Customers with Habit-forming Products by @Wrike [via @SlideShare] I watch them all, but @afneil is still the master.Interviews properly, asks tough Qs, lets them answer but lets nobody off the Hook.#bbcsp Outrage as Cherie's law firm is let off Hook over £210k 'stolen' cash via @MailOnline If we #Remain Britain will be on the Hook to pay for #Merkel's disastrous, badly managed, open door asylum policies … Bisping: You can call me Left Hook Larry from now on. WATCH: Beneil Dariush vanquishes James Vick with a howitzer of a left Hook at #UFC199 Who's ready for the @5SOS announcement tomorrow night 8PM!@Vegemite & @TheHit30 has your Hook up TRUST ME!

What does Hook stand for?

Terms relating to Hook

NICKED - Arrested PINCHED - Caught, arrested Collar - Arrest Bust - Arrest Heat - Arrest Mitt - Arrest The Mitt - Arrest Nab - Arrest Grab - Arrest Pickup - Arrest Pinch - Arrest Pull - Arrest