KINGS Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does KINGS mean? Now know the meaning of KINGS used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Drinking game

Meaning of KINGS ?

Meaning of KINGS is Drinking game.

KINGS Definition

The defintion of KINGS is Drinking game. .

What does KINGS mean?

KINGS means Drinking game.

Comments having KINGS

Playing the @JustinTrudeau KINGS watching the 1 on 1. Every time he says "uh" you take a shot. I'm about to pass out. Am using this to create a county-by-county KINGS for the caucus tonight. Stay tuned. … new KINGS: drink every time Gove reminds us that he's not a lawyer #billofrights New KINGS, every time Gianni speaks take a shot. Still be able to drive #MKR fun KINGS: take a shot of water every couple hours to make sure ur healthy and hydrated God and or Jesus shoutout? Check.Grassroots? Check.Conservatives %2B adjective? CheckPlaying the #IowaCaucus speech KINGS? KINGS: Every time a GOP candidate vows to 'fix America' make them take a shot of Flint, MI tap water John King: "Someone on Twitter said it's a KINGS every time I say Polk County, so load up, folks." #IowaCaucus I propose a new #IowaCaucus KINGS: Do a shot every time a CNN anchor cites "a senior campaign source." @JournalistsLike Best line tonight: "If your KINGS involves doing a shot every time @JebBush is mentioned you're stone cold sober." #CNNelections

What does KINGS stand for?

Terms relating to KINGS

1UP - Extra life in a game AIMBOT - Trageting script in games AOK - Age of Kings (game) AOM - Age of Mythology (game) AQ - Adventure Quest (game) AVGN - Angry Video Game Nerd BF2 - Battlefield 2 (game) BG - Bad Game BGL - Big Game License, likes fat people C&C - Command and Conquer (game) CCG - Collectible Card Game COD4 - Call Of Duty 4 (Game) COG - Coalition of Gears (game) CRAIC - Good times/gossip/music/drinking (Irish) CZ - Condition Zero (game) DDR - Dance Dance Revolution (Game) DOW - Dawn Of War (game) EQ - EverQuest (game) EXP - Experience points in games FFR - Flash Flash Revolution (game) FFX - Final Fantasy 10 (game) FPS - First-Person Shooter (video game term) GAMER - Person who plays video games GFWL - Games For Windows Live GG - Good Game GGA - Good Game All GGBB - Good Game Bye Bye GGG - Good, Giving, and Game (in bed) GGNORE - Good Game No Rematch GGS - Good Games GGWP - Good Game, Well Played GMOD - Garry's Mod (Game) GOS - Game Of Soldiers GOTY - Game Of The Year GOW - God of War (Game) GOW - Gears of War (Game) GWAS - Game Was A Success GWK - Game Winning Kill H3 - Halo 3 (Game) HABBO - Online community/game HL - Half Life (game) IGN - In Game Name JRPG - Japanese Role Playing Game KINGS - Drinking game KOL - Kingdom Of Loathing (Game) KOTH - King of the Hill (game) KOTOR - Knights Of The Old Republic (Game) L4D - Left 4 Dead (game) L4D2 - Left 4 Dead 2 (game) MESOS - Currency in the game Maple Story A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z