ROSES Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ROSES mean? Now know the meaning of ROSES used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of ROSES ?

Meaning of ROSES is Money.

ROSES Definition

The defintion of ROSES is Money. .

What does ROSES mean?

ROSES means Money.

Comments having ROSES

I do not represent corporate America and I don’t want their ROSES. Donald Trump accidentally put ROSES in the Communion plate at a church in Iowa … If You Live Near A CVS/Wal Mart and Interested In A ROSES Investment. Dm me For More Info 30min Process Legit made some friends. made some enemies. made some ROSES. Self styled anti-corruption crusader's 'oh so honest govt' in #Delhi is making ROSES out of poor MCD worker's living source.. #AAPKaPWDScam The ED has now established a trail of illicit ROSES between Sistema Telecom and TDK in the 2G Spectrum Scam. I will now work on it. 47% of Americans say they cannot cover a $400 emergency expense without borrowing ROSES or selling something. Stunning investigation on 60 Minutes by TED Prize winner @charmian. ROSES laundering in US far too easy! i want ROSES not a job @STYLATORARMY 1D fans raise ROSES for charity on Harry Styles' birthday.

Terms relating to ROSES

$ - Dollar, money $_$ - Has money BREAD - Money BUCK - Money BUCKS - Dollars, money BUSKING - Playing music in public for money CHEDDA - Cash, money CHEDDAR - Money CHEESE - Money CHIPS - Money DINERO - Money DMS - Dirty Money Syndicate DOSH - Money DOUGH - Money, cash GOLD DIGGER - Person who loves someone just for their money GUAP - Money GWAP - Money GWOP - Money HIT A LICK - Get a lot of money very quickly HOLD - Borrow (money) KNOT - Roll of paper money LOLLY - Money LOOT - Money (often stolen) MILEAGE - Value for money MOOLA - Money MOOLAH - Money MULA - Money OPM - Other People's Money PAPER - Money PITCH - Contribute money RACKS - Money (in thousands) RMT - Real-Money Trading ROSES - Money SCRILLA - Money, cash SKINT - Broke, having no money SKRILLA - Money SPOT - Lend money TIM - Time Is Money TRICKIN - Spending money on a girl VEETA - Money VFM - Value For Money WOMBAT - Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time WONGA - Money WOTAM - Waste of Time and Money YMCMB - Young Money Cash Money Billionaires FSM - Foolishly Spent Money HAM - Haven't Any Money JAM - Jobs And Money MUN - Money WOFTAM - Waste Of Freaking Time And Money A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z