Best Friend Act Like Intelligent
Meaning of ALI ?
Meaning of ALI is Best Friend, Act Like Intelligent.
ALI Definition
The defintion of ALI is Best Friend, Act Like Intelligent. .
What does ALI mean?
ALI means Best Friend, Act Like Intelligent.
Comments having ALI
NEW VIDEO! - - ALI TEST IS BACK BUT THIS TIME IT KIND OF BACKFIRED A BIT :( There are things that you can't really share to your ALI. Music is my best ALI It will always be with me, knows what I want, and expresses my deepest feeling. Has small fortune in Gringotts, Never buys ALI a new wand when his is broken and endangers everyone around him for an entire year. A ALI is someone that can look at you when you have the biggest smile on your face and still know that something is wrong.

What does ALI stand for?
Terms relating to ALI
420 FRIENDLY - Person who likes smoking pot BCE - Before Common Era (like BC) BFFLE - Best Friends For Like Ever BGL - Big Game License, likes fat people BLG - Boys Like Girls (band) BRODA - Bro Who Is Like Yoda CHOOB - High level player who acts like a noob DEALING - Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend DFLI - Don't Feel Like It DIG - Enjoy, like DILLIC - Does It Look Like I Care DILLIGAD - Do I Look Like I Give A Darn?