ILYSFM Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does ILYSFM mean? Now know the meaning of ILYSFM used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

I Love You So Freaking Much

Meaning of ILYSFM ?

Meaning of ILYSFM is I Love You So Freaking Much .

ILYSFM Definition

The defintion of ILYSFM is I Love You So Freaking Much . .

What does ILYSFM mean?

ILYSFM means I Love You So Freaking Much .

Terms relating to ILYSFM

<2 - Not quite love (<3) <3 - Love (heart shape) <3U - Love You <4 - More than love (<3) (L) - Love heart (MSN) *_* - In love, dazed // - Love, I love you 1234 - 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you (I Love You) 143 - I Love You (letters in each word) 14344 - I Love You Very Much (letters in each word) 1437 - I Love You Forever 2MI - Too Much Information 381 - I Love You (3 words, 8 letters, 1 meaning) 4221 - 4ever 2gether 2love 1another 459 - I Love You (phone digits for ILY) 520 - I Love You (Chinese) 721 - Love You (7 letters, 2 words, 1 meaning) 831 - I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning) AMAP - As Much/Many As Possible AML - All My Love BBML - Be Back Much Later BILY - Because I Love You BISLY - But I Still Love You BLIND - In love BTWITIAILWU - By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BTWITIAILWY - By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BU2M - Been Up To Much? BURNT - Out of it, having smoked too much pot DTM - Doing Too Much DULM - Do You Love Me? DYLM - Do You Love/Like Me? ELE - Everybody Love Everybody FTLOG - For The Love Of God GBML - Good Bye My Love GOLD DIGGER - Person who loves someone just for their money HDL - Hab Dich Lieb (I love you in German) HICKEY - Love bite HICKY - Love bite HOLLAND - Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies I<3U - I Love You IALTO - I Always Love That One IAWTCSM - I Agree With This Comment So Much IDLY - I Don't Love/Like You IHYSM - I Hate You So Much IIL - I'm In Love IL - In Love ILD - Ich Liebe Dich (I Love You) ILH - I Love Him/Her ILI - I Love It ILML - I Love My Life A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z