RAWL Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does RAWL mean? Now know the meaning of RAWL used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Roll Around While Laughing

Meaning of RAWL ?

Meaning of RAWL is Roll Around While Laughing.

RAWL Definition

The defintion of RAWL is Roll Around While Laughing. .

What does RAWL mean?

RAWL means Roll Around While Laughing.

Comments having RAWL

My co-workers make me laugh so hard. I'm gonna lay down on the floor and RAWL !!!! I love you! I miss you! I wanna wake up to you every day again and RAWL about mistakes … krystal is so funny. RAWL. he being serious? RAWL %2Adrops on the ground%2A%2ARAWL my lungs out%2A#ALDUBBirthdayPLAN … @emveegreen Do they then fall over in the puddles and RAWL? that smiley from yahoo chat that would RAWL, me right now Attack on Armin: … via @YouTube WHAT IS THIS? /RAWL/ @chiefhara /RAWL/ xD @FT_HyojinP HAHAHA i should capture ur face when you think ur tummy will explode. that's so funny /RAWL/ heavy? /sobs/

Terms relating to RAWL

180 - Turn around, 180 degrees 9_9 - Rolling the eyes :-D - Laughing :L - Laughing ALOL - Actually Laughing Out Loud BAGL - Bust A Gut Laughing BBIAW - Be Back In A While BOGSAT - Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around Talking CBLTH - Can't Breathe Laughing Too Hard CREASING - Laughing CSL - Can't stop laughing DFTT - Don't Feed The Troll DNFTT - Do Not Feed The Troll DOFL - Dying On Floor Laughing DWA - Driving While Asian DWB - Driving While Black DWP - Drunk While Posting DWT - Driving While Texting FOCL - Falling Off Chair Laughing FOFL - Falling On Floor Laughing FOMCL - Falling Off My Chair Laughing GAL PAL - Man who hangs around with girls HAFL - Heart Attack From Laughing HHWW - Holding Hands While Walking IAL - I Ain't Laughing ICSL - I Couldn't/Can't Stop Laughing JMA - Just Messing Around JOINT - Rolled marijuana cigarette JPA - Just Playing Around KML - Killing Myself Laughing KMSL - Killing Myself Laughing KNOT - Roll of paper money L2MS - Laughing To Myself LAL - Laughing A Lot/Little LALB - Laughing A Little Bit LATM - Laughing At The Moment LAU - Laughing At You LBS - Laughing But Serious LBVS - Laughing But Very Serious LHH - Laughing Hella Hard LI - Laughing Inside LIMB - Laughing In My Brain LIMH - Laughing In My Head LIMM - Laughing In My Mind LIRL - Laughing In Real Life LIS - Laughing In Silence LLC - Laughing Like Crazy LLH - Laughing Like Hell LMCO - Laughing My Cats Off LMHO - Laughing My Head Off A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z