WAN2TLK Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does WAN2TLK mean? Now know the meaning of WAN2TLK used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Want to talk

Meaning of WAN2TLK ?

Meaning of WAN2TLK is Want to talk.

WAN2TLK Definition

The defintion of WAN2TLK is Want to talk. .

What does WAN2TLK mean?

WAN2TLK means Want to talk.

Comments having WAN2TLK

If others WAN2TLK you down, let them.Their words are like noise pollution.Cancel it out so that you can hear your inner calling. Murderer: %2Apoints gun at me%2A you wanna die today?Me: yeah, kindaMurderer: %2Alowers gun%2A damn, you WAN2TLK about it? there is only one person in this entire world I WAN2TLK to right now and well.. that just isn't possible anymore Rather be told you didn't WAN2TLK than just being ignored... do you ever WAN2TLK to someone but don't have anything to talk to them about I want you. I want you here with me right now. I WAN2TLK to you. I want to be with you. I want to hug you. I just want you. "I know your kids can't afford college and your premiums are too high, but first, I WAN2TLK about email." … if a guy doesn't WAN2TLK to u b/c he has a gf, it doesn't mean he has a crazy gf. he might just not WAN2TLK to u b/c he has a gf!! If you have questions about tonight's message or if you just WAN2TLK about life, you can message us or @david_krstevski #HopeBibleStudy So for Black History Month I WAN2TLK about commonly overlooked or misunderstood Black Leaders who've dedicated their lives to us.

Terms relating to WAN2TLK

AMW - America's Most Wanted (TV show) BOGSAT - Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around Talking CHOP IT UP - Talk CTN - Can't Talk Now CTRN - Cant Talk Right now DEGT - Don't Even Go There (i.e. I don't want to talk about it) DNW - Do Not Want DTTM - Don't Talk To Me DWTTAI - Don't Want To Talk About It F2T - Free To Talk FEENING - Craving, wanting really badly GASSING - Talking IDEWTK - I Don't Even Want To Know IDW - I Don't Want IDWT - I Don't Want To IDWTAI - I Don't Wanna Talk About It IDWTK - I Don't Want to Know IJWTK - I Just Want To Know IJWTS - I Just Want To Say IMWTK - Inquiring Minds Want To Know IWOOT - I Want One Of Those IWTD - I Want To Die IWU - I Want You IWY - I Want You IYW - If You Want/Will JONESING - Craving, wanting really badly JWTK - Just Wanted To Know JWTLYK - Just Wanted To Let You Know LTMA - Less Talk, More Action LTNT - Long Time No Talk LWT - Look Who's Talking LYMYWY - Love You, Miss You, Want You NATO - No Action Talk Only NPNT - No Picture, No Talk NTTU - Not Talking To You POTS - Parents Over The Shoulder (parents watching, I can't really talk) PTT - Push-To-Talk RE-GIFT - Pass an unwanted gift on to someone else STAN - Stalker Fan T2M - Talk To Me T2T - Time To Talk T2UL - Talk To You Later T2YL - Talk To You Later TABOO - Forbidden, not talked about TL - Talk Later TLK - Talk TOMBOUT - Talking About TTM - Talk To Me TTML - Talk To Me Later TTTH - Talk To The Hand A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z