Do you know what does WERD mean? Now know the meaning of WERD used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
Expression of agreement
Meaning of WERD ?
Meaning of WERD is Expression of agreement.
WERD Definition
The defintion of WERD is Expression of agreement. .
What does WERD mean?
WERD means Expression of agreement.
Comments having WERD
@fawfulfan In that case I hereby retract any WERD I may have made. What is double-minded? an WERD that is not supported by real conviction... @LordeBarrington lol my use of 'innit' there was as an WERD with your statement. :) Proposal: new word for 2015 agzuhlutzi, adj. 1. exactly, absolutely, precisely 2. WERD; Agzuhlutzi! @kiaspeaks @deray I still say "word" as a greeting or WERD. Word to ya motha
@Lyriccc_x3 lyric thats a WERD lol , @janzynyaa @conors026 I could explain to you that "and how" is an WERDor I could just go do literally anything else. @njh2005 @WendellPierce Slow your was an WERD, sweet, not an empirical statement. @localdrugs WERD lmao Posting pics with dead children and people, telling us to type "Amen". This is an WERD!!! Shame on you!!!What does WERD stand for?
Terms relating to WERD
ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement AHA - Expression of discovery or realization AIYA - Cantonese expression of exasperation ALAS - Expression of regret, sorrow ARGH - Expression of frustration or anger ASDFGHJKL - An Expression Of Excitement ASDFGHJKL - An Expression Of Frustration ASDFGHJKL - An Expression Of Boredom BEH - Expression of disinterest, IDC BIG UP - Expression of respect BLAR - Expression of boredom, BLAH BLARG - Expression of boredom