Copacetic Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Copacetic mean? Now know the meaning of Copacetic used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Cool, OK, excellent Amiable Agreeable Admirable Acceptable

Meaning of Copacetic ?

Meaning of Copacetic is Cool, OK, excellent, Amiable, Agreeable, Admirable, Acceptable.

Copacetic Definition

The defintion of Copacetic is Cool, OK, excellent, Amiable, Agreeable, Admirable, Acceptable. .

What does Copacetic mean?

Copacetic means Cool, OK, excellent, Amiable, Agreeable, Admirable, Acceptable.

Comments having Copacetic

@itsallyokay COPACETIC Copacetic: In excellent order. Copacetic is like a fine wine. It's so crisp and amazing. But emotionally it's expensive and should be enjoyed every now and again. TIL nobody knows where the word “Copacetic” comes from. Not even a little bit!… You just don't get it, keep it Copacetic and you learn to accept it. You know you're so pathetic

stuff I've heard from wearing kp merch:"knuckle punk?""are they Canadian?""is that a hockey team?""what is a knuckle puck?""Copacetic?" SO IVE HAD THE Copacetic VINYL FOR LIKE ALMOST 2 MONTHS AND JUST REALIZED THERE WAS A CD INCLUDED OKKKK I could give a damn about who wins the Finals tho, my Broncos are still the NFL champs so everything is Copacetic lol would kill for a Copacetic cruise down lake shore drive right now cannot believe KP played untitled and I got to shout everything is Copacetic with my friends in the pit- the moment was beyond Copacetic So #PrimeNow just delivered everything we needed from @PCC (@PureEire cream for butter!) and now all is Copacetic in my world again. @amazon Copacetic: In excellent order. Copacetic is like a fine wine. It's so crisp and amazing. But emotionally it's expensive and should be enjoyed every now and again. TIL nobody knows where the word “Copacetic” comes from. Not even a little bit!… You just don't get it, keep it Copacetic and you learn to accept it. You know you're so pathetic stuff I've heard from wearing kp merch:"knuckle punk?""are they Canadian?""is that a hockey team?""what is a knuckle puck?""Copacetic?" SO IVE HAD THE Copacetic VINYL FOR LIKE ALMOST 2 MONTHS AND JUST REALIZED THERE WAS A CD INCLUDED OKKKK I could give a damn about who wins the Finals tho, my Broncos are still the NFL champs so everything is Copacetic lol would kill for a Copacetic cruise down lake shore drive right now cannot believe KP played untitled and I got to shout everything is Copacetic with my friends in the pit- the moment was beyond Copacetic So #PrimeNow just delivered everything we needed from @PCC (@PureEire cream for butter!) and now all is Copacetic in my world again. @amazon Copacetic: In excellent order. Copacetic is like a fine wine. It's so crisp and amazing. But emotionally it's expensive and should be enjoyed every now and again. TIL nobody knows where the word “Copacetic” comes from. Not even a little bit!… You just don't get it, keep it Copacetic and you learn to accept it. You know you're so pathetic stuff I've heard from wearing kp merch:"knuckle punk?""are they Canadian?""is that a hockey team?""what is a knuckle puck?""Copacetic?" SO IVE HAD THE Copacetic VINYL FOR LIKE ALMOST 2 MONTHS AND JUST REALIZED THERE WAS A CD INCLUDED OKKKK I could give a damn about who wins the Finals tho, my Broncos are still the NFL champs so everything is Copacetic lol would kill for a Copacetic cruise down lake shore drive right now cannot believe KP played untitled and I got to shout everything is Copacetic with my friends in the pit- the moment was beyond Copacetic So #PrimeNow just delivered everything we needed from @PCC (@PureEire cream for butter!) and now all is Copacetic in my world again. @amazon Copacetic: In excellent order. Copacetic is like a fine wine. It's so crisp and amazing. But emotionally it's expensive and should be enjoyed every now and again. TIL nobody knows where the word “Copacetic” comes from. Not even a little bit!… You just don't get it, keep it Copacetic and you learn to accept it. You know you're so pathetic stuff I've heard from wearing kp merch:"knuckle punk?""are they Canadian?""is that a hockey team?""what is a knuckle puck?""Copacetic?" SO IVE HAD THE Copacetic VINYL FOR LIKE ALMOST 2 MONTHS AND JUST REALIZED THERE WAS A CD INCLUDED OKKKK I could give a damn about who wins the Finals tho, my Broncos are still the NFL champs so everything is Copacetic lol would kill for a Copacetic cruise down lake shore drive right now cannot believe KP played untitled and I got to shout everything is Copacetic with my friends in the pit- the moment was beyond Copacetic So #PrimeNow just delivered everything we needed from @PCC (@PureEire cream for butter!) and now all is Copacetic in my world again. @amazon

What does Copacetic stand for?

Terms relating to Copacetic

AUP - Acceptable Use Policy AC. - Acceptable Content AC - Acceptable Content TINA - This Is Not Acceptable Regular - Acceptable Kosher - Acceptable Okay People - Acceptable Right Guy - Acceptable Sharp - Acceptable Ready - Acceptable Ice - Acceptable In There - Acceptable