Regular Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Regular mean? Now know the meaning of Regular used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Amicable Acceptable

Meaning of Regular ?

Meaning of Regular is Amicable, Acceptable.

Regular Definition

The defintion of Regular is Amicable, Acceptable. .

What does Regular mean?

Regular means Amicable, Acceptable.

Comments having Regular

This weeks goal, squat with a Regular bar. This is very ambitious and will take some work. Time will tell #nevergiveup Can Star Creatives please get Maja back? At least they have respect for a talent worth utilizing. Holy crap, a Regular Jane can play Glen. SMU's loss to Houston means there's now a real race for the AAC Regular season title. Ponies lead three teams by one game in standings. Great day and night yesterday. 15 new followers and 53 new followers on Twitch!! Thank you all. Have some ideas for a Regular podcast/show I'm dying to know what's in the physical copies packaging, it's not shaped in the Regular size & Rih's people teased that sth big is coming

Dont b in a rush,after each Salah,sit and do ur Regular Azkar,these are the things that will protect u from wicked ppl,may Allah protect us everyone should be grateful for tiffany, she keeps snsd interesting without her who would half of you drag on a Regular basis No Valentine 2016 lol fck it I'll take myself out to eat that's Regular anyways Looks like Hilary's "I'm not a Regular mom, I'm a cool mom!!" persona is reading forced universally. A female with common sense, faith, drive, and reasoning > a Regular degular. This weeks goal, squat with a Regular bar. This is very ambitious and will take some work. Time will tell #nevergiveup Can Star Creatives please get Maja back? At least they have respect for a talent worth utilizing. Holy crap, a Regular Jane can play Glen. SMU's loss to Houston means there's now a real race for the AAC Regular season title. Ponies lead three teams by one game in standings. Great day and night yesterday. 15 new followers and 53 new followers on Twitch!! Thank you all. Have some ideas for a Regular podcast/show I'm dying to know what's in the physical copies packaging, it's not shaped in the Regular size & Rih's people teased that sth big is coming Dont b in a rush,after each Salah,sit and do ur Regular Azkar,these are the things that will protect u from wicked ppl,may Allah protect us everyone should be grateful for tiffany, she keeps snsd interesting without her who would half of you drag on a Regular basis No Valentine 2016 lol fck it I'll take myself out to eat that's Regular anyways Looks like Hilary's "I'm not a Regular mom, I'm a cool mom!!" persona is reading forced universally. A female with common sense, faith, drive, and reasoning > a Regular degular.

What does Regular stand for?

Terms relating to Regular

AUP - Acceptable Use Policy AC. - Acceptable Content AC - Acceptable Content TINA - This Is Not Acceptable Regular - Acceptable Kosher - Acceptable Okay People - Acceptable Right Guy - Acceptable Sharp - Acceptable Ready - Acceptable Ice - Acceptable In There - Acceptable