Do you know what does Cold Shoulder mean? Now know the meaning of Cold Shoulder used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
Meaning of Cold Shoulder ?
Meaning of Cold Shoulder is Arrogant.
Cold Shoulder Definition
The defintion of Cold Shoulder is Arrogant. .
What does Cold Shoulder mean?
Cold Shoulder means Arrogant.
Comments having Cold Shoulder
Puerto Rico's baseball love gets major league Cold Shoulder I'm freezing from the Cold Shoulder shown in this video. Love it.… Cold Shoulder: يهمل -يتجاهل شئ او شخص بتعمدe.gThe manager has given the Cold Shoulder to our proposal to buy a new company car Sasha is going after this story, but V and C are giving him major Cold Shoulder. #BackstageTV #Parakeelia getting the Cold Shoulder from all media..shows just how far Oz has moved toward a totalitarian state :( …

What does Cold Shoulder stand for?
Terms relating to Cold Shoulder
DIVA - Talented, but arrogant, female performer IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion IMMAO - In My Most Arrogant Opinion AJ - Arrogant Jerk ALTA - A Little Too Arrogant IMAFO - In My Arrogant Freaking Opinion IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion IMFAO - In My Frigging Arrogant Opinion IMCAO - in my completely arrogant opinion Cool - Arrogant Cocky - Arrogant Biggety - Arrogant