DAPO Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does DAPO mean? Now know the meaning of DAPO used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Do all possible

Meaning of DAPO ?

Meaning of DAPO is Do all possible.

DAPO Definition

The defintion of DAPO is Do all possible. .

What does DAPO mean?

DAPO means Do all possible.

Comments having DAPO

@susanmcginnoam Hi Sue, we DAPO to contact passengers regarding delays. Sorry we didn't get it right this time. Zendell Big beard sciense RT @Upworthy: Want to DAPO to protect yourself from disease? Science says grow a beard. @dallant Delays are never our intention & we DAPO to avoid them. Thank you for your patience. ^ML @BVanScoyk I'm confident that our Baggage Service team will DAPO to get your clubs back to you as soon as possible. Again,... 1/2 @goajl We regret to hear that your bags were mishandled. We're sure our baggage team will DAPO to reunite you with your... 1/2 For politicians #Gandhi is a stunt. They DAPO stunts of Gandhi..He was not a leader. He was a system that created leadership .@IvanaBartoletti & @HaveringCollege pledge to DAPO to help #Havering students in grant scrap row … @benfigo Yes! I knew right away I needed to meet you and I was going to DAPO! Doing well - yours? Your kids are growing up fast! @DrTedros : #Ethiopia has allocated 381 million USD to Elnino and will DAPO to save lives of its citizens #Ethiopia #Sweden Oh me or my. "I can do all things!" Why? Because of Christ. So I must say goodbye indefinitely. Will DAPO not to poke my head in

What does DAPO stand for?

Terms relating to DAPO

AEAP - As Early As Possible AFAP - As Far As Possible ALAP - As Late/Long/Little As Possible AMAP - As Much/Many As Possible AQAP - As Quickly As Possible ASAP - As Soon As Possible QAP - Quick As Possible QAP - Quickly As Possible ASAHP - As Soon As Humanly Possible ASAP - As Soon As Possible EP - Everything's Possible ASAFP - as soon as f**king possible DAPO - Do all possible POSBL - Possible TMBASAP - Text me back as soon as possible WBASAP - Write Back As Soon As Possible A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z