Don't Forget To Say Your Prayers
Meaning of DFTSYP ?
Meaning of DFTSYP is Don't Forget To Say Your Prayers.
DFTSYP Definition
The defintion of DFTSYP is Don't Forget To Say Your Prayers. .
What does DFTSYP mean?
DFTSYP means Don't Forget To Say Your Prayers.
Comments having DFTSYP
Really not that sleepy but goodnight. DFTSYP. @kels21lynn DFTSYP... everything else will be ok! To all my positive people DFTSYP tonight and my miserable people as well do yourself the favor you need it DFTSYP and thank the Man above for a wonderful day. DFTSYP before your feet hit the ground

What does DFTSYP stand for?
Terms relating to DFTSYP
4GET - Forget 4YEO - For Your Eyes Only AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ALLOW - Let it be, forget it AOYP - Angel on Your Pillow APYR - As Per Your Request AUO - I don't know AYB - All Your Base AYBABTU - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYBRB2U - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYC - At Your Convenience AYEC - At Your Earliest Convenience