Drag Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does Drag mean? Now know the meaning of Drag used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Inhale smoke from cigarette or joint Dressed as a woman Anxiety Annoyance Allowance Adversity Advantage Accompany

Meaning of Drag ?

Meaning of Drag is Inhale smoke from cigarette or joint, Dressed as a woman, Anxiety, Annoyance, Allowance, Adversity, Advantage, Accompany.

Drag Definition

The defintion of Drag is Inhale smoke from cigarette or joint, Dressed as a woman, Anxiety, Annoyance, Allowance, Adversity, Advantage, Accompany. .

What does Drag mean?

Drag means Inhale smoke from cigarette or joint, Dressed as a woman, Anxiety, Annoyance, Allowance, Adversity, Advantage, Accompany.

Comments having Drag

Taehyun doesn't need anybody since he can kiss himself DRAG in the mirror I'd say Olivia and Travolta should make an appearance but I feel like travolta would come out DRAG or something #GreaseLive I really wanted them to find Michael Gregory DRAG, singing in a Berlin night club. Did I just see DeAndre Jordan DRAG?? @StateFarm #NBA # @LAClippers Big bang making of secret garden (g-dragon DRAG) sub eng&esp

Guys. I had no idea that I DRAG. O.O … shes not a man DRAG dumbass shes a ducking woman end of … Drag out next basketball game! Come in DRAG I am in TEARS at Louie Anderson DRAG. #ThePeoplesCouch @OnlineMagazin @2tweetaboutit : it's a geeza DRAG, clearly :-) Earnings recessions can Drag on for a long time #FUTUREPRESENTPAST IS OUT! here's a new video for "Drag Queen" ... enjoy! … .@thestrokes dip into the '80s for their new "Drag Queen" video the sajaegi record? hell yes they are gonna snatch it. if you are trying to mock Bom's depression as a Drag its SAD … CHRIS DIDNT WANT THE LANGUAGE LINE IN AOU THAT'S MY BOY THAT'S MY SON YES Drag THAT UGLY LINE CHRIS SAID HE HATED THE LANGUAGE LINEYAS KING BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SPECTACULAR Drag JOSS Good 3D animations explain how induced and parasite Drag really works. … the vamps are so talented though I don't understand how you can't see that. listen to their music before u Drag i wanna Drag those people who're hating on the boys but no thanks, i don't wanna lower myself to their level. That is logic.the hate articles and comments on Winner are there everyday but Seunghoon only step up to take action when they Drag HMF kids. Earnings recessions can Drag on for a long time #FUTUREPRESENTPAST IS OUT! here's a new video for "Drag Queen" ... enjoy! … .@thestrokes dip into the '80s for their new "Drag Queen" video the sajaegi record? hell yes they are gonna snatch it. if you are trying to mock Bom's depression as a Drag its SAD … CHRIS DIDNT WANT THE LANGUAGE LINE IN AOU THAT'S MY BOY THAT'S MY SON YES Drag THAT UGLY LINE CHRIS SAID HE HATED THE LANGUAGE LINEYAS KING BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SPECTACULAR Drag JOSS Good 3D animations explain how induced and parasite Drag really works. … the vamps are so talented though I don't understand how you can't see that. listen to their music before u Drag i wanna Drag those people who're hating on the boys but no thanks, i don't wanna lower myself to their level. That is logic.the hate articles and comments on Winner are there everyday but Seunghoon only step up to take action when they Drag HMF kids. Earnings recessions can Drag on for a long time #FUTUREPRESENTPAST IS OUT! here's a new video for "Drag Queen" ... enjoy! … .@thestrokes dip into the '80s for their new "Drag Queen" video the sajaegi record? hell yes they are gonna snatch it. if you are trying to mock Bom's depression as a Drag its SAD … CHRIS DIDNT WANT THE LANGUAGE LINE IN AOU THAT'S MY BOY THAT'S MY SON YES Drag THAT UGLY LINE CHRIS SAID HE HATED THE LANGUAGE LINEYAS KING BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SPECTACULAR Drag JOSS Good 3D animations explain how induced and parasite Drag really works. … the vamps are so talented though I don't understand how you can't see that. listen to their music before u Drag i wanna Drag those people who're hating on the boys but no thanks, i don't wanna lower myself to their level. That is logic.the hate articles and comments on Winner are there everyday but Seunghoon only step up to take action when they Drag HMF kids. Earnings recessions can Drag on for a long time #FUTUREPRESENTPAST IS OUT! here's a new video for "Drag Queen" ... enjoy! … .@thestrokes dip into the '80s for their new "Drag Queen" video the sajaegi record? hell yes they are gonna snatch it. if you are trying to mock Bom's depression as a Drag its SAD … CHRIS DIDNT WANT THE LANGUAGE LINE IN AOU THAT'S MY BOY THAT'S MY SON YES Drag THAT UGLY LINE CHRIS SAID HE HATED THE LANGUAGE LINEYAS KING BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SPECTACULAR Drag JOSS Good 3D animations explain how induced and parasite Drag really works. … the vamps are so talented though I don't understand how you can't see that. listen to their music before u Drag i wanna Drag those people who're hating on the boys but no thanks, i don't wanna lower myself to their level. That is logic.the hate articles and comments on Winner are there everyday but Seunghoon only step up to take action when they Drag HMF kids. Earnings recessions can Drag on for a long time #FUTUREPRESENTPAST IS OUT! here's a new video for "Drag Queen" ... enjoy! … .@thestrokes dip into the '80s for their new "Drag Queen" video the sajaegi record? hell yes they are gonna snatch it. if you are trying to mock Bom's depression as a Drag its SAD … CHRIS DIDNT WANT THE LANGUAGE LINE IN AOU THAT'S MY BOY THAT'S MY SON YES Drag THAT UGLY LINE CHRIS SAID HE HATED THE LANGUAGE LINEYAS KING BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SPECTACULAR Drag JOSS Good 3D animations explain how induced and parasite Drag really works. … the vamps are so talented though I don't understand how you can't see that. listen to their music before u Drag i wanna Drag those people who're hating on the boys but no thanks, i don't wanna lower myself to their level. That is logic.the hate articles and comments on Winner are there everyday but Seunghoon only step up to take action when they Drag HMF kids. Earnings recessions can Drag on for a long time #FUTUREPRESENTPAST IS OUT! here's a new video for "Drag Queen" ... enjoy! … .@thestrokes dip into the '80s for their new "Drag Queen" video the sajaegi record? hell yes they are gonna snatch it. if you are trying to mock Bom's depression as a Drag its SAD … CHRIS DIDNT WANT THE LANGUAGE LINE IN AOU THAT'S MY BOY THAT'S MY SON YES Drag THAT UGLY LINE CHRIS SAID HE HATED THE LANGUAGE LINEYAS KING BEAUTIFUL AMAZING SPECTACULAR Drag JOSS Good 3D animations explain how induced and parasite Drag really works. … the vamps are so talented though I don't understand how you can't see that. listen to their music before u Drag i wanna Drag those people who're hating on the boys but no thanks, i don't wanna lower myself to their level. That is logic.the hate articles and comments on Winner are there everyday but Seunghoon only step up to take action when they Drag HMF kids.

What does Drag stand for?

Terms relating to Drag

Stick To - Accompany Schlep Along - Accompany Spook - Accompany Draft - Accompany Tag Along - Accompany Tag After - Accompany Dog One's Heels - Accompany String Along - Accompany Dog - Accompany Date - Accompany Squire - Accompany Furp - Accompany