HSBC Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does HSBC mean? Now know the meaning of HSBC used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Meaning of HSBC ?

Meaning of HSBC is Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.

HSBC Definition

The defintion of HSBC is Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. .

What does HSBC mean?

HSBC means Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.

Comments having HSBC

Layanan online banking The HSBC Bank tak bisa digunakan setelah diserang peretas pd akhir pekan lalu HSBC nin açılımı HSBC mış kurucusu Rothschild ailesiymiş. Adamlar dünyayı sömürmüşler be kardeşim. @Fat_Wilf Hello there, apologies for the delay. HSBC stands for HSBC. ^KD Also known as the HSBC, HSBC has always been associated with drugs. Founded... @dazjdm @misspress l’entité Française n'a aucun lien avec la vraie banque "the HSBC”. Le coupable: CCF HSBC means - HSBC #nowyouknow Hsbc sri lanka: Hsbc sri lanka The HSBC Limited Sri Lanka ( commonly kno... @eluminem HSBC #Repost cannibiscannibal・・・"HSBC or HSBC has come up… @YouTube HSBC;HSBC POR EMPRESARIOS COMO ESTOS ESTAMOS COMO ESTAMOS. A VOS NO TE FUE TAN MAL GORDITO

Terms relating to HSBC

886 - Bye Bye (Hong Kong Cantonese) AMTRAK - American passenger railroad corporation BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation GMC - General Motors Corporation HK - Hong Kong HSBC - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation VTL - Visible Thong Line FILTH - Failed In London, Try Hong Kong LMTO - Laughing My Thong Off A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z