IAVB Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does IAVB mean? Now know the meaning of IAVB used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

i am very bored

Meaning of IAVB ?

Meaning of IAVB is i am very bored.

IAVB Definition

The defintion of IAVB is i am very bored. .

What does IAVB mean?

IAVB means i am very bored.

Comments having IAVB

like for a hdm bc IAVB Someone PLEASE do something with me... IAVB On a scale of 1-boredIAVB? every like I'll tweet a confession because IAVB Who would like to hang IAVB Hello again! IAVB so now I am using my sister's account to stalk people because why not. ~Denise~ IAVB & want to sleep but I cannot get to sleep :) :) :) Someone recommend good movies pls IAVB and want a good movie to watch can someone please entertain me IAVB & i am texting no oneplease someoneanyonemake me laugh @magggmarie @collin_russ I just want to stir the pot because IAVB right now...

Terms relating to IAVB

('_') - Emoticon Representing Boredom *.* - Every file on a computer 14344 - I Love You Very Much (letters in each word) 42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything :C - Very Sad :DD - Very happy ACME - A Company that Makes Everything ADED - All Day Every Day AHA - Expression of discovery or realization ASDFGHJKL - An Expression Of Boredom ASDFGHJKL; - I'm bored ATVB - All The Very Best AVPM - A Very Potter Musical BAH - Bored As Hell BANGING - Very beautiful, sexy BARE - Lots of, very BBO - Being Bored Online BLAR - Expression of boredom, BLAH BLARG - Expression of boredom BLEH - Expression of boredom BLICK - A very black person BMTTVE - Best Mates 'Til The Very End BOMBSHELL - Very attractive woman BOOMM - Bored Out Of My Mind BRICK - Very cold BTD - Bored To Death BUSTED - Very Ugly C: - Very happy COD - Cash On Delivery DANK - Very potent marijuana DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read DEAR - Drop Everything And Read DEROB - Very bored DIME - Very attractive person E1 - Everyone EDC - Every Day Carry EDD - Estimated Delivery Date EDT - Estimated Delivery Time ELE - Everybody Love Everybody ELF - Every Lady's Fantasy ELH - Every Little Helps EMAW - Every Man a Wildcat ETID - EveryTime I Die (band) EWBA - Everything Will Be Alright EZPZ - Easy peasy, very easy FRESH - Very good, cool GLOMP - Hug very hard GNE - Good Night and Everything HELLA - Really, very HHVF - Ha-Ha, Very Funny A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z