Ignorant Instant Gratification Inadequate Guys
Meaning of IG ?
Meaning of IG is Ignorant, Instant Gratification, Inadequate Guys.
IG Definition
The defintion of IG is Ignorant, Instant Gratification, Inadequate Guys. .
What does IG mean?
IG means Ignorant, Instant Gratification, Inadequate Guys.
Comments having IG
"Oh you did this because of this reason" You are NOT in my head. Your opinion isn't FACT. It's an IG opinion played off as fact. MPs IG of key EU institutions – poll STUPID, STUPID, WRONG, IG, STUPID AND STUPID. … 'You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be IG.'Just in case. white girls staying IG 2k16. lets hope they evolve lmao …

What does IG stand for?
Terms relating to IG
BOGSAT - Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around Talking GLU - Guys/Girsl Like Us GNO - Girls/Guys Night Out ILYG - I Love You Guys/Girls YINS - You guys, you all YOUNS - You guys, you all YOUS - You, you guys BOG - Bunch Of Guys FOG - Four Old Guys HG - Hey Guys IBM - Inadequate But Marketable IG - Inadequate Guys