PAYE Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does PAYE mean? Now know the meaning of PAYE used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Pay As You Earn

Meaning of PAYE ?

Meaning of PAYE is Pay As You Earn.

PAYE Definition

The defintion of PAYE is Pay As You Earn. .

What does PAYE mean?

PAYE means Pay As You Earn.

Comments having PAYE

PAYE | #court #crime #jenayah #criminal #1malaysia #malaya #Brunei #trial... @DJCStylez_ @MusaMajic Sign up for the PAYE student loan program. Mine went from 1k to $200. @switch100perce1 We got ours on a deal from the County Council - PAYE I think it was. Hasn't cost us anything. :-) In Africa we earn less pay and our,(paye) PAYE(tax) is too high,prices for cars and houses are too high who is controlling prices @chineezeks Abuja people are richer than Lagos people - PAYE Opportunity #Marketing Franchise keeps the initial start-up fee low & works on a PAYE system so your investment is very low risk Employees can't be trusted so have PAYE - Big Business can't be trusted either so we need Tax As You Earn #bbcsp @sirrockstone PAYE, not "pay" - PAYE income tax deductions. #auspol 29i) For example, a system of collection of Income tax, is PAYE (PAYE) it is easy and not strenuous. #taxthursday. RePAYE: A new alternative for the governments old PAYE plan for student loans.

Terms relating to PAYE

BONE UP - Learn about, revise FEENIN - An Intense Craving Or Yearning HENRY - High Earner, Not Rich Yet L2P - Learn To Play L2PK - Learn To Player Kill L2R - Learn to Read LFMF - Learn From My Fail LTG - Learn To Google PAYE - Pay As You Earn TIL - Today I Learned WILTW - What I Learned This Week SLAM - So Learn About Me SPLLOJL - Some People Live and Learn, Others Just Live WWPL - When Will People Learn? EBITDA - earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization L2 - learn to LORE - Learn Once, Repeat Everywhere LTBF - Learn To Be Funny LWBAT - Learner will be able to WWYL - When Will You Learn WYLSNED - Well you learn something new every day A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z