SPIT GAME Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does SPIT GAME mean? Now know the meaning of SPIT GAME used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Act of flirting

Meaning of SPIT GAME ?

Meaning of SPIT GAME is Act of flirting.

SPIT GAME Definition

The defintion of SPIT GAME is Act of flirting. .

What does SPIT GAME mean?

SPIT GAME means Act of flirting.

Comments having SPIT GAME

gonna trademark the SPIT GAMEfuck you guys only I can flirt now foot·sie - ˈfo͝otsē/nounthe SPIT GAME in which one secretly touches the feet or legs… - obviously an SPIT GAME and cheating @StayHumble14 the SPIT GAME haha ??? Macky's status about chivalry being mistaken as an SPIT GAME tho. No truer words have been said Some people take kindness as an SPIT GAME . Hais . Boys, if you're in a relationship kinda please just stop SPIT GAME with d other girls? Florting - the SPIT GAME and teleporting at the same timeYep, definitely not a typo. Nuh uh. No siree. Apparently nowadays saying happy birthday to someone is considered an SPIT GAME #word I hate the word and SPIT GAME

What does SPIT GAME stand for?

Terms relating to SPIT GAME

CAKING - Flirting KINO - Physical flirting, touching PERVING - Flirting in a creepy way SNAKING - Flirting SPIT GAME - Act of flirting A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z