AFAIK Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does AFAIK mean? Now know the meaning of AFAIK used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

As Far As I Know As Far As I Know

Meaning of AFAIK ?

Meaning of AFAIK is As Far As I Know, As Far As I Know.

AFAIK Definition

The defintion of AFAIK is As Far As I Know, As Far As I Know. .

What does AFAIK mean?

AFAIK means As Far As I Know, As Far As I Know.

Comments having AFAIK

Okay this is just ridiculous. AFAIK my friend Kat has done nothing to merit whatever these people are planning to do. I don't care if someone don't like me, because AFAIK i'm not a Facebook status to be liked. no one makes rumors??? AFAIK people are just wondering why are their names back in SMTOWN website … Nidora can be pregnant, AFAIK "Nagtanan sila" and they wouldn't just dance boojie the whole time. IT HAPPENS#ALDUBBagsikNiMama Corrected: "Monty Python don't, AFAIK, have a history of criticising feminism or Islam."@somegreybloke @RichardDawkins

I don't need to be the most beautiful girl because AFAIK, life is not a beauty contest. AFAIK, all parties are working on Khan fighting Brook in June. IMO, he will NOT be fighting Garcia. … AFAIK, there are NO meet and greets. Halsey doesn't want you to pay to meet her, she thinks meeting her should be free RT please :(My account has been disabled for a third time. AFAIK, no rules have been broken @periscopehelp Case #262531 These what? The trees? Trees don't crash AFAIK … Okay this is just ridiculous. AFAIK my friend Kat has done nothing to merit whatever these people are planning to do. I don't care if someone don't like me, because AFAIK i'm not a Facebook status to be liked. no one makes rumors??? AFAIK people are just wondering why are their names back in SMTOWN website … Nidora can be pregnant, AFAIK "Nagtanan sila" and they wouldn't just dance boojie the whole time. IT HAPPENS#ALDUBBagsikNiMama Corrected: "Monty Python don't, AFAIK, have a history of criticising feminism or Islam."@somegreybloke @RichardDawkins I don't need to be the most beautiful girl because AFAIK, life is not a beauty contest. AFAIK, all parties are working on Khan fighting Brook in June. IMO, he will NOT be fighting Garcia. … AFAIK, there are NO meet and greets. Halsey doesn't want you to pay to meet her, she thinks meeting her should be free RT please :(My account has been disabled for a third time. AFAIK, no rules have been broken @periscopehelp Case #262531 These what? The trees? Trees don't crash AFAIK …

What does AFAIK stand for?

Terms relating to AFAIK

ACK - Acknowledgement AFAIK - As Far As I Know AIKRN - All I know right now AKA - Also Known As ANON - Unknown person ASAIK - As Soon As I Know AUO - I don't know AYK - As You Know B4YKI - Before You Know It BBK - Boy Better Know BKA - Better Known As BWDIK - But What Do I Know?