As Soon As I Know
Meaning of ASAIK ?
Meaning of ASAIK is As Soon As I Know.
ASAIK Definition
The defintion of ASAIK is As Soon As I Know. .
What does ASAIK mean?
ASAIK means As Soon As I Know.
Comments having ASAIK
@astromechartoo I'll announce more details about weight per set and material used ASAIK, as I need to contact the print shop. @prekus I'm staying glued to my phone! I'll be sure to update here ASAIK! I'm not sure yet, but I'll definitely post about it ASAIK! … It isn't quite a rush of emotions as it is an extreme feeling of relief. I usually fall asleep ASAIK my partner properly Will post the price ASAIK and where to get it. #SmokinTex …
I need to get into a habit of doing things ASAIK I need to do then instead of saying I'll do it later Can't really give any more info at this stage without betraying sources, which would be unethical. suffice to say ASAIK more... I have a feeling ASAIK what my child is I'll be shopping like a mad woman The Shining movie night is happening ASAIK my schedule next week and you're all invited Jake, you know how it works around here. ASAIK, I tell you. …What does ASAIK stand for?
Terms relating to ASAIK
ACK - Acknowledgement AFAIK - As Far As I Know AIKRN - All I know right now AKA - Also Known As ANON - Unknown person ASAIC - As Soon As I Can ASAIK - As Soon As I Know ASAP - As Soon As Possible ASAS - As Soon As Sensible ASAYC - As Soon As You Can AUO - I don't know AYK - As You Know