Do you know what does ISBN mean? Now know the meaning of ISBN used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
Meaning of ISBN ?
Meaning of ISBN is International Standard Book Number.
ISBN Definition
The defintion of ISBN is International Standard Book Number. .
What does ISBN mean?
ISBN means International Standard Book Number.
Comments having ISBN
ISBNs for Books: The ISBN (ISBN) is the worldwide way to track and keep information on every book in publica… DrLibSc - Desk of Research in Library Science: ISBN (ISBN) - Histor... … 通常流通する本には「ISBN」というコードが振られているの。これは“ISBN”の略で、日本語なら「国際標準図書番号」と言います。ある1冊の本を特定できる全世界共通の国際標準コードなのよ。[p116] 아무 생각 없이 막 모냐 야짤같은거 그려서 올리실때 (적어도 내가 본거한정으론) ISBN 번호로 비번을 거시는게 많은거같아서 이게 성인되면 또 뭐 나오나 했더니 그런거 없고 ISBN 약자였음(허망함 DUI decimal system, numerals and ISBN. ISBN. Did you know ISBN were ten digit numbers before 2007 :)
@bingu_sama ISBN의 약칭이에여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 책 고유번호라고 생각하심 되눈 @rockchalk4583 It's the acronym for ISBN. It identifies a specific book, an edition of a book. @michaelhallida4 @JulianBurnside ISBN. It's a unique identifier on the back near the barcode 「書名を明記しない書店のレシートは不親切」と思っていたんですが、試みに並んだ数字を検索したらISBNだったことがわかり「そうだったのか」と。※ISBN(ISBN) 世界共通で図書を特定するための番号 国際標準図書番号 ISBN को बिस्तारित रुप के हो ?:- ISBNWhat does ISBN stand for?
Terms relating to ISBN
# - Number #1 - Number one 112 - European emergency number 666 - The Number of the Beast 911 - US emergency number 999 - UK emergency number ANSI - American National Standards Institute ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASDFGHJKL;' - Home Keys On Standard Keyboard BOED - Book of Exalted Deeds (MMORPG) CST - Central Standard Time DCI - Drum Corps International