IYH Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does IYH mean? Now know the meaning of IYH used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

In Your Head

Meaning of IYH ?

Meaning of IYH is In Your Head.

IYH Definition

The defintion of IYH is In Your Head. .

What does IYH mean?

IYH means In Your Head.

Comments having IYH

You ready to get it stuck IYH?? Lol … Zana hates it? Why am not surprised....there has to be something wrong with your tastebuds. Rocks IYH. #MKR #WhizzKids Demented as the motives IYH Does the voice IYH sound like you? What if the voice in our heads all sound the same??? #SoberThoughts Why a song gets stuck IYH CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta explores the impact music has … When you've only married him IYH so you gotta chill ><<<<<< People don't understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on IYH when u don't even understand it yourself u know when you plan an outfit IYH all week then you try it on and you look like a mole rat RT if you've had songs from Grease stuck IYH all day It's always so much different IYH.

Terms relating to IYH

/O\ - Frustrated, hands on head 4YEO - For Your Eyes Only AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ALPHA - Head person of a group AOS - Ahead Of Schedule AOYP - Angel on Your Pillow APYR - As Per Your Request AYB - All Your Base AYBABTU - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYBRB2U - All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYC - At Your Convenience AYEC - At Your Earliest Convenience AYOR - At Your Own Risk AYPI - And Your Point Is? BBR - Blonde, Brunette, Redhead BH - Big Head BUTT DIAL - Accidentally call from a phone in your pocket BYO - Bring Your Own BYP - Beg Your Pardon BYT - Before Your Time CIMH - Chuckle In My Head COCKY - Thinking too highly of yourself CREEPER - Someone who views your profile but doesn't make contact CYB - Count Your Blessings CYDM - Check Your Direct Messages CYE - Check Your Email CYF - Cross Your Fingers CYM - Check Your Mail DFTSYP - Don't Forget To Say Your Prayers DHYB - Don't Hold Your Breath DIY - Do It Yourself DKY - Don't Kid Yourself DMY - Don't Mess Yourself DOHC - Dual Overhead Cam DPYN - Don't Pick Your Nose DQYDJ - Don't Quit Your Day Job DTYT - Don't Take Your Time DYJ - Do Your Job DYOR - Do Your Own Research FACE PALM - Slap forehead with the palm of your hand FYA - For Your Amusement FYC - For Your Convenience FYC - For Your Consideration FYE - For Your Entertainment FYEO - For Your Eyes Only FYI - For Your Information FYK - For Your Knowledge FYM - Free Your Mind FYP - Fixed Your Post FYR - For Your Review A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z