Accidentally make a call with the phone in your pocket
Meaning of POCKET DIAL ?
Meaning of POCKET DIAL is Accidentally make a call with the phone in your pocket.
POCKET DIAL Definition
The defintion of POCKET DIAL is Accidentally make a call with the phone in your pocket. .
What does POCKET DIAL mean?
POCKET DIAL means Accidentally make a call with the phone in your pocket.
Comments having POCKET DIAL
Internet Slang:Pocket Dial - The definition of POCKET DIAL is "P
What does POCKET DIAL stand for?
Terms relating to POCKET DIAL
212 - Speak with someone 3 WHEELIN - Driving with one wheel off the ground 3G - Third Generation mobile phone network 459 - I Love You (phone digits for ILY) 4YEO - For Your Eyes Only :') - Crying with joy :{) - Happy with a moustache AAWY - And Also With You AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ACAPELLA - Vocal music without instruments ACME - A Company that Makes Everything AFAICR - As far as I can Recall