Best Friend Forever With Benefits
Meaning of BFFWB ?
Meaning of BFFWB is Best Friend Forever With Benefits.
BFFWB Definition
The defintion of BFFWB is Best Friend Forever With Benefits. .
What does BFFWB mean?
BFFWB means Best Friend Forever With Benefits.
Comments having BFFWB
@shOoObz maybe I misread. I assumed "BFFWB" is akin to husband/wife/partner. But what do I know, I play rec-ords @AllliGee ohhhhh I gotcha! BFFWB right? Katie and I broke up, I'm accepting applications for my new BFFWB (BFFWB forever.) "@EvanMims: My bffwb fell asleep o >:c" BFFWB? Wuuuut?

What does BFFWB stand for?
Terms relating to BFFWB
12 - Forever 1314 - Forever (Chinese) 1437 - I Love You Forever 212 - Speak with someone 224 - Today, tomorrow, forever 3 WHEELIN - Driving with one wheel off the ground 40000 - Forever 4EVA - Forever 4EVER - Forever 5EVER - Because Forever Isn't Long Enough 637 - Always and Forever (letters in each word) 73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio)