fun, cool, happening
Meaning of QRACKLING ?
Meaning of QRACKLING is fun, cool, happening.
QRACKLING Definition
The defintion of QRACKLING is fun, cool, happening. .
What does QRACKLING mean?
QRACKLING means fun, cool, happening.
Comments having QRACKLING
To get @DJNoreenKhan to FollowBack will make tweets QRACKLING all the lingo - stay tuned :) To get @DJNoreenKhan to FollowBack will make twe
What does QRACKLING stand for?
Terms relating to QRACKLING
BADASS - Cool, confident person BASIC - Uncool, boring BOSS - Cool, awesome CLASS - Cool, excellent COOL BEANS - Cool, awesome, great COPACETIC - Cool, OK, excellent CORNY - Uncool, overused DAGGY - Uncool, not trendy, untidy DEECE - Decent, cool, great DEF - Cool, great, excellent DIAO - Cool, hip DOPE - Cool, awesome