AATF Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does AATF mean? Now know the meaning of AATF used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.

Always And Totally Forever

Meaning of AATF ?

Meaning of AATF is Always And Totally Forever.

AATF Definition

The defintion of AATF is Always And Totally Forever. .

What does AATF mean?

AATF means Always And Totally Forever.

Comments having AATF

@samhalmarack do you want to go see at National? might prove useful for AATF? @dancanham too? kevs AATF drunk some slang / internet abbreviations:aatf - AATFaatw - all around the worldabd -... RT @uKnowKids aatf-AATF - Example Text: Of course I love you, aatf. Translation: Of course I... oh my:aamof - as a matter of factaatf - AATFabd - Already Been Doneabend -... mothers love AATF #sixwordstories

Terms relating to AATF

12 - Forever 1314 - Forever (Chinese) 1437 - I Love You Forever 224 - Today, tomorrow, forever 40000 - Forever 4EVA - Forever 4EVER - Forever 5EVER - Because Forever Isn't Long Enough 637 - Always and Forever (letters in each word) A&F - Always And Forever AAF - Always and Forever AAP - Always A Pleasure AAYF - As Always, Your Friend AFFA - Angels Forever, Forever Angels AFS - Always, Forever and Seriously AIMH - Always In My Heart AKTF - Always Keep the Faith ALOTBSOL - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life ATOY - Always Thinking of you BCF - Best Cousin Forever BEF - Best Enemies Forever BFA - Best Friends Always BFF - Best Friends Forever BFF4L - Best Friend Forever For Life BFFAE - Best Friends Forever And Ever BFFE - Best Friends Forever BFFWB - Best Friend Forever With Benefits BMFE - Best Mates Forever FTSK - Forever The Sickest Kids (Band) IALTO - I Always Love That One IFF - Internet Friends Forever ILYF - I'll Love You Forever ITA - I Totally Agree IWALU - I Will Always Love You IWALY - I Will Always Love You JAPAN - Just Always Pray At Night LUA - Love You Always LY4E - Love You Forever LYA - Love You Always LYAAF - Love You Always And Forever LYF - Love You Forever OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject SDMF - Strength, Determination, Merciless, Forever SWAMBO - She Who Always Must Be Obeyed SWOT - Person who is always studying TBTH - To Be Totally Honest TNOP - Totally Not Our Problem TOOC - Totally Out Of Control TOPPER - Person who always has a better story TOTES - Totally A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z