Do you know what does GNP mean? Now know the meaning of GNP used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
Gross National Product
Meaning of GNP ?
Meaning of GNP is Gross National Product.
GNP Definition
The defintion of GNP is Gross National Product. .
What does GNP mean?
GNP means Gross National Product.
Comments having GNP
where agricultural output generates a mere 3.2pc of GNP (GNP) in 2009 – down from 6.65pc in 2000 – and ...The GNP , that is the GNP. Wwf marks 50 years in cooperation with priesthood insomuch as worldwide citrine GNP: iwylI @KRlSTAO @nutelly29 yaahh so GNP The record you would likely break just may be the GNP. That is what American Needs. Go Trump. …
"The GNP measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile" Robert Kennedy 1968 #Happiness Although agriculture no longer serves as the leadingcontributor to Nigeria’s GNP 1/3@phcouillard quoted Robert Kennedy at swearing in: “The GNP does not include the beauty of our poetry @phcouillard quotes Kennedy: "GNP does not include the beauty of our poetry or the intelligence of our public debate ..." During the Depression, GNP fell by almost 50%. #AmericaWhat does GNP stand for?
Terms relating to GNP
ANC - African National Congress ANSI - American National Standards Institute BNP - British National Party DCI - Drum Corps International DNC - Democratic National Committee FIFA - Federation International de Football Association GDP - Gross Domestic Product GNP - Gross National Product GRODY - Disgusting, nasty, gross I18N - Internationalization IBAN - International Bank Account Number IBM - International Business Machines