Do you know what does NRL mean? Now know the meaning of NRL used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.
Meaning of NRL ?
Meaning of NRL is National Rugby League.
NRL Definition
The defintion of NRL is National Rugby League. .
What does NRL mean?
NRL means National Rugby League.
Comments having NRL
Out of random people to run into in the pub, "the Serbian NRL team" was toward the less expected end of the list. Green confident in Storm Nines side (NRL - NRL Ltd): (Source: NRL - NRL Lt... NRL clubs to deliver wellbeing messages to communities (NRL - NRL Ltd): (Source: NRL - Natio... Watch the Auckland Nines with NRL Digital Pass (NRL - NRL Ltd): (Sou … Latest: NRL Members Lounge returns at Auckland Nines (NRL - NRL Ltd) #NRL9s

What does NRL stand for?
Terms relating to NRL
AFL - Australian Football League ANC - African National Congress ANSI - American National Standards Institute BNP - British National Party CAL - Cyberathlete Amateur League (gaming) CFL - Canadian Football League CPL - Cyberathlete Professional League (gaming) DCI - Drum Corps International DNC - Democratic National Committee EPL - English Premier League FIFA - Federation International de Football Association GNP - Gross National Product