Best Friend In The World
Meaning of BFITW ?
Meaning of BFITW is Best Friend In The World.
BFITW Definition
The defintion of BFITW is Best Friend In The World. .
What does BFITW mean?
BFITW means Best Friend In The World.
Comments having BFITW
My BFITW everybody! The very special @johnzowest. hhheart HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BFITW @RedTeam4Life I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU IN APRIL I LOVE YOU BUDDY I have the Best,BFITW @TFamibelle no matter how much we fight about the dumbest things yasmine is still the BFITW & idk what I'd do without her I have the most beautiful BFITW I honestly don't know what I'd do without her

What does BFITW stand for?
Terms relating to BFITW
73 - Best regards (Amateur Radio) AAB - Average At Best AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ABDC - America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) ALI - Best Friend AMIGO - Friend ATB - All The Best ATVB - All The Very Best BAFO - Best And Final Offer BBFL - Best Buds For Life BBG - Best Be Going