CUZZO Abbreviation / Internet Slang / Acronym

Do you know what does CUZZO mean? Now know the meaning of CUZZO used in internet slang. We have over 10000 abbreviation used over the internet in facebook, whatsapp chatting and in sms texting.


Meaning of CUZZO ?

Meaning of CUZZO is Friend.

CUZZO Definition

The defintion of CUZZO is Friend. .

What does CUZZO mean?

CUZZO means Friend.

Comments having CUZZO

NEW VIDEO! - - BEST CUZZO TEST IS BACK BUT THIS TIME IT KIND OF BACKFIRED A BIT :( British pilot saved CUZZO before dying from Tanzania poacher bullet ... If you question my loyalty or doubt me as your CUZZO, don't mess with me. Period. A real CUZZO is someone who can make the most boring day become fun. Congratulations to my CUZZO @AyozePG on his new deal well deserved! #Baller And it's out. Safe flight tomorrow, CUZZO. Proud of u no matter what. You'll always be my brother, u know that … Nothing like a good ol' fashioned fend off. Tag a CUZZO that can't tackle you Pls support and follow my CUZZO, one of the most talented DJ's in Cebu and he's only 19, @chadfajardo! Thanks guys! Music is my best best CUZZO It will always be with me, knows what I want, and expresses my deepest feeling. Has small fortune in Gringotts, Never buys best CUZZO a new wand when his is broken and endangers everyone around him for an entire year.

What does CUZZO stand for?

Terms relating to CUZZO

AAF - As A Friend AAYF - As Always, Your Friend ALI - Best Friend AMIGO - Friend BEF - Best Email Friend BESTIE - Best Friend BESTY - Best Friend BF - Boyfriend BF - Best Friend BF4L - Best Friends For Life BFA - Best Friends Always BFF - Best Friends Forever BFF - Big Fat Friend/Female BFF4L - Best Friend Forever For Life BFFAE - Best Friends Forever And Ever BFFAE - Best Friends For All Eternity BFFE - Best Friends Forever BFFL - Best Friend For Life BFFLE - Best Friends For Like Ever BFFLTDDUP - Best Friends For Life Till Death Do Us Part BFFN - Best Friend For Now BFFWB - Best Friend Forever With Benefits BFITW - Best Friend In The World BFUT - Best Friends Until Tomorrow BFWB - Best Friend With Benefits BGF - Best Girl/Guy Friend BIFF - Best Friend, BFF BIFFL - Best Internet Friend For Life BLAD - Brother/friend (from 'blood') BLOOD - Close friend BOM - Bro, dude, friend BOO - Boyfriend/Girlfriend BOS - Boyfriend Over Shoulder BOYO - Friend, mate BRAH - Bro, friend BREDRIN - Friend BREDRINS - Close friends, brothers BRO - Brother, buddy, friend BRUH BRUH - Brother, friend BUB - Buddy, friend BUDDY - Friend BURD - Bird, girlfriend BWOI - Friend, buddy CLIQUE - Group of friends CUDDY - Buddy, friend CUS - Friend CUZZ - Friend, cousin CUZZO - Friend DAWG - Close Friend DEALING - Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z